Sixty-one years and three months ago, give or take a few days, an assassin killed President John F. Kennedy. Many policies of government changed abruptly with the immediate accession of his successor, Lyndon Baines Johnson. But more to the point, the conspiratorial theory of history gained currency then, as it never had before, not even after Mr. Robert Welch honored the memory of Capt. John Birch USA by founding the Society that bears his name. Now, about 80,000 pages of documents relating to the JFK assassination are available for public viewing. What they reveal, would likely have shocked even Mr. Welch – not because he would never have suspected it, but because he would never have expected the United States government to admit it.
The lightning speed of the 2025 JFK Files release
President Trump teased the release of the JFK Files on Monday (March 17).
🚨 President Trump announces that the JFK Files will be released tomorrow: “People have been waiting for decades for this.”
This, of course, is pursuant to Executive Order 14176, ordering the review and plans for release of all files pertaining to the assassinations of President Kennedy, his brother Robert (then Senator from New York), and Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
A President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection has existed since 2017, with the first public release. Actually Congress passed the law creating this Collection in 1992. But until 2017, nothing was available for public viewing. The Collection saw four Releases before this year: 2017-2018, 2021, 2022, and 2023. The current Release 2025 is by far the largest.
Yesterday the Justice Department laid on a rushed review of tens of thousands of pages of documents. The exact reason for this review was never made clear. As The Gateway Pundit noted, many persons identified or otherwise involved in investigating the JFK assassination, are long since dead.
That review was supposed to continue until noon today. But within minutes of TGP’s article about the review, came word that the release was suddenly happening. Tulsi Gabbard, Director of National Intelligence, released a statement as a photograph in an X post:
President Donald J. Trump promised maximum transparency and a commitment to rebuild the trust of the American people in the Intelligence Community (IC) and federal agencies. Part of that promise was to fully release previously-classified records related to the assassinations of President John F. Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
President Trump’s Executive Order 14176 stated, “the continued redaction and withholding of information from records pertaining to the assassination of JFK is not consistent with the public interest and the release of these records is long overdue.” The President announced that these records should be released without redactions on Tuesday, March 18.
Upon receiving the President’s decision, Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Tulsi Gabbard immediately sent out a directive across the IC conveying his directive to provide all unredacted records within the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) for immediate release.
Starting today, the records will be available to access either online at, or in person, via hard copy or on analog media formats, accessible to the American people at National Archives at College Park, MD. Records that are currently only available for in-person viewing are being digitized and will be uploaded to the repository in the coming days. DNI Gabbard will post updates on X (@DNIGabbard) and Truth Social (@DNITulsiGabbard) as the files are released. The files will also be available on the White House’s website.
This release consists of approximately 80,000 pages of previously-classified records that will be published with no redactions. Additional documents withheld under court seal or for grand jury secrecy, and records subject to section 6103 of the Internal Revenue Code, must be unsealed before release. NARA is working with the Department of Justice to expedite the unsealing of these records. Grand juries from many years ago have already seen them, so most of this information is already out, but regardless of this, this information will be immediately released upon the direction of the Court.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
A second batch of documents came out this morning at about 8:30 a.m. EDT. Rep. Anna Paulina Luna (R-Fla.) confirmed that National Archives personnel are “scanning and uploading” these files “in real time.” She also called attention to a particular file of interest:
The file I am particularly interested is a CIA IG report from whistleblowers alleging that the CIA hid information from Congress ref JFK assassination as it implicated them (shortly after the assassination). We were given this as a tip and there is actually a document we are currently tracking down.
What those files tell us
Platform X has been buzzing about these files since they first became available for download. The Gateway Pundit released this list of findings by “Internet sleuths” late last night.
These files tell us that the JFK assassination was likely a joint operation between the most secret elements of the CIA and the Soviet KGB. The KGB connection is through Department V, originally Department 13. Ian Fleming, in an afterward to his novel From Russia With Love, said this department originally had a more dire name. He called it SMERSH – an acronym for Smyert Shpionam – Death to Spies. Unfortunately for history, Fleming provided no documentation for his claims. Nor has any surfaced from examination of his notes after his death.
But everyone acknowledges what KGB Department 13/V specialized in: wet operations, or what the CIA calls black operations. These are operations so sensitive that no one dares admit to them – including political assassinations.
Lee Harvey Oswald, the suspect-in-chief in the JFK assassination, had a KGB handler named Valeriy Vladimorovich Kostikov. This officer may or may not have belonged to Department V.
The CIA connection
The best CIA connection is through the history of one John Garrett “Gary” Underhill, Jr. He had been an intelligence agent during World War II and was a small-arms expert. A memo dated 19 July 1967 listed him as “one of the [CIA]’s ‘un-people’ who perform special assignments.” That would be consistent with black ops. This memo further states that Underhill, on the day following the JFK assassination,
left Washington in a hurry. Late in the evening he showed up at the home of friends in New Jersey. He was very agitated. A small clique within the CIA was responsible for the assassination, he confided, and he was afraid for his life and probably would have to leave the country. Less than six months later Underhill was found shot to death in his Washington apartment. The coroner ruled it suicide.
Mr. Underhill’s name has borne repeated mention, including by users asking Rep. Luna to investigate his involvement – and death.
Within days of the arrest of Oswald, one Jacob Leon Rubinstein, who went under the nom de guerre Jack Ruby, shot Oswald in the driveway of Dallas Police headquarters. Ruby said he did it because Oswald was a “rat,” and he, Ruby, “want[ed] the world to know that Jews have guts.”
Shortly afterward, J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI, called for a public “report” to “stop conspiracy theories from spreading.” Hoover had a motive, still not specified, for having the American public believe Oswald acted alone. That last is nearly impossible to believe. For one thing, Oswald was a poor shot, and too temperamental for the KGB to consider him reliable.
For another, the Carcano M91/38 bolt-action rifle that police found at the scene, has a reputation as a “junker.”
Did the son of JFK die when he offended the wrong Senator?
This last might or might not be relevant. In 1999, JFK’s son, John Jr., wrote an angry letter to then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.), calling him a traitor. Shortly thereafter, he, his wife, and his sister-in-law perished when their small plane ditched in the Atlantic off Martha’s Vineyard.
For decades after the JFK assassination, authorities insisted that Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. But doubts always remained, particularly about that “junker” police found on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository. And also about grassy knolls and JFK’s head jerking backward when the third of three shots rang out. Likewise, few people believed that Jack Ruby was some kind of patriotic vigilante, no matter what he said. Shortly after his conviction, and before he could get a new trial, he died in custody, of terminal, metastatic cancer. How convenient.
The new files released thus far shed little additional light on Ruby’s motives. But they do suggest a new, and simple, theory. The CIA arranged for Kennedy’s death, with or without the cooperation of Department V of the KGB.
Apparently President Trump told Judge Andrew P. Napolitano that the evidence he (Trump) had reviewed, convinced him to withhold release of the files. Perhaps his four-year political exile, combined with attempts to railroad him into prison – then to kill him – changed his mind. He has no brief for the CIA – quite opposite, in fact. As to the KGB, Trump might soft-pedal that connection, not wishing to ruin his rapprochement with President Vladimir V. Putin of the Russian Federation. He needn’t worry. Anyone with sense knows the difference between the Russian Federation and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics!
Americans also know that Donald Trump is at total war with the Deep State. This release is his most telling blow yet.
Link to:
The article:

Release announcement:
Executive Order 14176:
The President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection:
Tulsi Gabbard’s statement:
Rep. Luna’s statement:
TGP findings list:
Declarations of Truth:
Declarations of Truth Locals Community:
Conservative News and Views:
Clixnet Media