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J. D. Vance hits the Grand Slam
October 02, 2024
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Senator J. D. Vance (R-Ohio) won his debate so handily, even some of his most inveterate legacy-media detractors had to admit it.

Nobody does it better.
Makes me feel sad for the rest.
Nobody does it half as well as you;
Baby, you’re the best.

Marvin Hamlisch wrote those lyrics, set to Carole Bayer Sager’s music, which Carly Simon famously sang, to celebrate the randiest, deadliest, most resourceful, and most survivable secret agent in the history of cinema. None of these three artists could ever have imagined that they could apply to anyone except a randy covert agent. Least of all could they apply to an American politician, championing a retreat from the egalitarian principles that have been a staple of Western European politics since shortly after the Second World War! Yet they certainly apply to Sen. J. D. Vance (R-Ohio), Republican nominee for Vice-President in 2024. He did more than hold his own; he reduced his opponent to obvious also-ran status. The biased moderators and producers who tried to save him, accomplished nothing but their own embarrassment.

Vance dominates the debate from the start

Of several livestreams of the debate between Vance and Gov. Tim Walz (D-Minn.), CNAV has chosen this episode of Loomer Unleashed, Laura Loomer’s regular show.


From the start, Vance looked and sounded calm, cool and collected. He must have studied every televised debate since Nixon and Kennedy in 1960. Walz, in contrast, looked and sounded obviously nervous, and would misspeak many, many times. CNAV will mention his most memorable misspeak later. But he began with misspeaking, when CBS’ moderators asked him the very first question.

Q. [Governor] Walz, would you support or oppose a preemptive strike by Israel on Iran?

That question came a propos of Iran’s lobbing of 200 missiles at Israel. (That succeeded only in killing a hapless Palestinian when a fragment of an intercepted missile fell on him.) Walz actually spoke of Israel and its proxies.

Vance, looking at Walz, projected genuine concern, not the contempt Trump might have shown. Indeed the Senator chose to “kill his opponent with kindness.” Once, for instance, the governor spoke of his 17-year-old son witnessing a fellow student die in a school shooting. Because he gave no details, the Senator could have challenged him to back it up. Instead, he said, in effect, “Governor, I did not know that! I’m sorry to hear that your son or anyone had to go through a thing like that!”

That was typical of Vance, who actually had the only kind words anyone said to anyone else. Of course, that meant he couldn’t talk about Walz’ transgender transition initiatives. Some things, quite simply, one cannot say politely.

The mic cut moment

Shortly thereafter came the moment when CBS embarrassed itself, perhaps permanently. At issue this time was the massive influx of 20,000 Haitian migrants into Springfield, Ohio. The Senator should know about this, because he represents Ohio. He didn’t see fit to talk about how those Haitians have eliminated the stray cat population of that city and now are working on the non-strays. Instead he talked only about the tremendous influx, which Walz tried to downplay. Vance also described a smartphone app the Biden-Harris administration has provided to Haitians. 800,000 have used the Customs and Border Protection One App to claim temporary protected status they likely don’t deserve.

Sen. Vance tried to enlighten Moderators Margaret Brennan and Norah O’Donnell about this, but they didn’t want to hear it. In obvious distress, Brennan kept repeating, “We have so many issues to cover, and we have to move on.” Then, without warning, the producers cut off the candidates’ microphones. The moderators announced this and teed up their next question.

Before the night was out, Trump War Room and Bill Melugin said for the record that the Senator was right and the governor wrong about illegal immigration.

CBS cuts Vance’s mic while he’s explaining how the Biden/Harris admin has allowed over 800,000 migrants to enter the U.S. via the CBP One App “lawfully”. It then sounded like Walz claimed the CBP One app has been used since the 90s, which is completely false. The Biden/Harris admin started using it in winter 2023 to begin mass paroling migrants into the country by the hundreds of thousands, typically between 1,300-1,500 every single day.

CUOMO: At one point, JD Vance wanted to correct something about how Haitians got into this country and HE WAS RIGHT and Norah O’Donnell and Margaret Brennan wouldn't let him correct it.

Vance dominates on foreign and trade policy

Throughout, Senator Vance made the debate about Presidential candidates Donald J. Trump and Kamala Harris, not about himself and Walz. In that vein, the Senator pointed out that Donald Trump gave the world four years of peace. After Biden and Harris took over, of course, the wars began, in the Ukraine theater and the Middle East.

Before the debate began, a story had come out that Walz had lied about having been in China – Hong Kong at least – while the Tiananmen Square drama played out. He wasn’t; he didn’t go to China until months after those events. The moderators, hoping to “get it out of the way,” asked him about this.

In two minutes of rambling, he started talking about his early life. It was like listening to Kamala Harris boast (justly or unjustly) about having been “raised as a middle class kid.” Eventually he had to admit he misspoke about the timing of his sojourn in China. He even used the word knucklehead to describe himself.

Walz's answer about lying about being in Hong Kong when he was in Nebraska during the Tiananmen Square massacre is beyond horrible. Rambled for 2 minutes, doesn't answer why he lied. He eventually says he misspoke and was wobbly in doing so. I've seen enough. This is over.

Also in this regard, Walz tried to insist that Americans should “trust the experts.” Vance rejected that, and said flatly that “the experts” were wrong, and had been wrong for forty years.

Friends with school shooters?

By far the one debate moment getting the worst “buzz” was what Gov. Walz tried to say about school shootings. Mass shootings, especially in schools, are the favorite excuse for the kind of gun confiscation regime leftists want. They dare not ask for that today, perhaps because their base has suffered generational attrition through abortion. But they create obvious soft targets, which naturally tempt those bent on mass murder. Then, when that happens, they call for some “incremental” measure – banning a certain class of weapon similar to the one the murderer used.

Senator Vance suggested that schools need better security – to become harder targets. Walz was having none of that, asking whether schools should become forbidding, impregnable fortresses. Then he mentioned Finland, saying:

I’ve spent time in Finland and seen some Finnish schools. They don’t have this happen, even though they have a high gun ownership rate in the country.

Of course not – because if any random citizen could be armed, all are hard targets! Later, directly after saying he had talked with the parents of the victims of the Sandy Hook School Massacre in New London, Connecticut, he actually said:

I’ve become friends with school shooters.

He then briefly mentioned that the National Rifle Association “used to” sponsor gun safety classes.

The response to this faux pas was immediate and devastating.

My daughter was killed in the Parkland school shooting. It’s absolutely abhorrent that Tim Walz has befriended school shooters. Disqualifying.

Walz made a very big mistake on Gun Shooters. Does anyone think he knows what he said? Will he have a News Conference after the Debate to apologize to the parents and others who were so horribly hurt?

The disqualification comes from one of two causes. Either he really has befriended mass child murderers, or his malapropism shows him unable to handle the office he seeks.


Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit reported that the betting markets turned sour on Walz when the debate began. He seemed to do well for about an hour after that, but then he “went south” and never came back.

The only organ that gave Walz any high marks at all was MSNBC. From Rachel Maddow and “Joyless” Reid came utterly shameless cheerleading for Walz.

Rachel Maddow: “On every issue on substance, JD Vance was very polished and very slick, and Tim Walz beat him on all the substantive points.”

Reid: JD Vance said nothing memorable. They were all bland lies. He got outdone by Tim Walz. Walz won the debate because he was relatable and had substance. He showed himself to be reasonable and practical.

In contrast, CNN’s anchors frankly admitted that Vance got the better of Walz, all evening. They suggested that Vance came to “land a bunch of punches” (and did). Walz was either unprepared or too well prepared, by their thinking. He came with memorized lines, and “didn’t listen” enough to know when such lines would be appropriate – or not.

Even The New York Times had to admit Vance won. Opinion columnist Ross Douthat didn’t want to admit Vance was correct, but only that he won. After only a half hour, Douthat said:

Vance’s performance has included a dose of self-conscious humanization, an attempted reintroduction to his blue-collar background and striking personal biography after weeks of effective Democratic attacks on his right-wing podcast commentary. It’s included some careful rhetorical tap dancing and policy jujitsu on issues like climate change and abortion. But mostly it’s just been an effective prosecution of the case against the Biden-Harris administration, focusing relentlessly on encouraging viewers to be nostalgic for the economy, the immigration landscape and the relative foreign-policy calm of Trump’s term.
Tim Walz, on the other hand, seems affable, well meaning and, relative to Vance, largely out of his depth. He’s spending too much time partly agreeing with his rival while making a much more haphazard case against Trump than Vance is making against Kamala Harris.

This morning, Jim Hoft shared a lengthy press release, with many links, giving the truth Walz distorted at times.

Why Vance won

J. D. Vance obviously had orders to disarm his opponent with kindness. In fact he was at his most disarming when the moderators asked him about his having denounced Trump years ago. “I was wrong,” he said – a thing few people in politics are ever willing to say. Anyone may change his mind, so long as he owns the change. Vance did. No Democrat ever has.

The one time Vance was at less than his best, was when he called Walz out in a lie about a Minnesota law that removes any requirement that an obstetrician-gynecologist, having removed an unborn child he intended to kill (at the mother’s request, of course), provide lifesaving care to such a child. Vance spelled out what this law does, and Walz cried out, “That’s not true!” Vance didn’t have to waste time insisting that what he just said about that law was true. He could have said instead:

All right – so you say your new law does not do what I said it does. That means you can’t defend your new law in this setting. But I’ll tell you what: after this debate ends, the full text of your law, with highlights, goes up on Document Cloud, with a link on our website, a link we’ll shop to any media organ that’s interested. Then let the people decide what your law does, and does not do.

Not only would that have “kept things moving,” but it would also have been more consistent with his charm offensive.

Vance and Trump now look like the classic “good cop and bad cop” of many “Film Noir” police procedurals. Other commentators have already said to expect Vance to take point in the campaign from now on. That charm offensive is the big reason why.

Link to:

The article:



Video: Livestream of the debate:


Correcting the record on immigration:

Four years of peace:

Misspeaking about Tiananmen Square:

The experts were wrong:

“They don’t have this happen [in Finland]”:

“I’ve become friends with school shooters”:

Reaction from MSNBC:

Reaction from CNN:

Reaction from The New York Times:

Trump campaign press release (per TGP):

Minnesota Public Radio on that Minnesota abortion law and other points:

Declarations of Truth X feed:

Declarations of Truth Locals Community:

Conservative News and Views:

Clixnet Media

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Hurricane Helene – and election interference?

A former Obama White House official has just taunted conservative with a suggestion that, if true, constitutes treason. David Axelrod has suggested that the Biden White House might be withholding aid from the area that suffered the worst effects from Hurricane Helene. This is the western part of North Carolina, the residents of which mainly intended to vote for Donald Trump. If they do not get the help they need, they might not be able to vote. That might be exactly what the White House, and the Democratic National Committee, want. David Axelrod might simply be throwing out a puerile taunt – like other overgrown bullies. But he might also have broken security on a systematic campaign of treason by the Biden-Harris administration.

What did David Axelrod say?

David Axelrod apparently made that statement on the latest episode of his weekly podcast, “The Axe Files.” Recall that David Axelrod was Barack Obama’s political consultant during the Election of 2008. He later served in the Obama White House as a senior adviser to the President. Now he runs his own show and typically interviews politicians and policymakers on the left.

Last night he published an interview he had done with Janet Yellen, current Secretary of the Treasury. Apparently at some point in their conversation, he spoke of persons in the disaster area from Tropical Cyclone Helene. Miranda Devine, host of Devine Online, quoted him as saying this:

[Affected Democrats in Asheville, North Carolina are] upscale liberal voters, and they're probably going to figure out a way to vote. I'm not sure a bunch of these folks who had their homes and lives destroyed elsewhere, in western North Carolina, in the mountains, there are going to be as easy to wrangle for the Trump campaign.

An outraged Devine quoted the above on an X post. In that post, she also “quoted” another post embedding video of an interview President Biden gave. According to Clay Travis, Biden was saying all the people in Georgia, the Carolinas, and Tennessee were “getting everything they need and are ‘very happy.’”

Christina Laila of The Gateway Pundit shared Ms. Devine’s post.

Early this morning Donald Trump shared this quote from Fox News Channel’s Jesse Watters:

Jesse Watters: “Over 200 Americans are dead after Hurricane Helene and the thousands of victims impacted have been disgracefully left behind. The Biden administration has blocked ongoing rescue operations and North Carolina is living in the dark ages because Joe Biden and Kamala Harris hate Elon Musk. FEMA is now out of money, because Joe Biden and Kamala spent over a billion dollars of FEMA cash on migrants. Illegals got luxury hotel rooms, but Kamala’s just tossing Helene victims $750 and heading back on the campaign trail. This must not meet her standard for giving extra resources- she only wants to do that based on equity.”

Recall that yesterday, Sean Davis shared a report that Gov. Roy Cooper (D-N.C.) was delaying deployment of National Guard assets.

According to a source in North Carolina, despite 1,000 troops being ready and authorized to respond in NC, FEMA Region 4 and Democrat NC Gov. Roy Cooper haven’t yet written up the mission orders that the troops need in order to be deployed. So those troops are just sitting around twiddling their thumbs. It’s been 7 days since Hurricane Helene made landfall. What on earth are you doing, Roy Cooper and FEMA?

Recall also that Jim Hoft of TGP shared this lengthy report showing that FEMA has spent all its money. So FEMA has none to spare for Hurricane Helene relief.

Will you believe FEMA or your lying ears?

Reports coming out of the Hurricane Helene disaster area are beginning to sting. Now FEMA has set up a Rumor Control Hotline, according to Kristinn Taylor (TGP). Kamala Harris’ promise of immediate relief consisting of $750 per person stung especially bitterly. FEMA now calls this Serious Needs Assistance:

One type of assistance that is often approved quickly after you apply is Serious Needs Assistance, which is $750 to help pay for essential items like food, water, baby formula, breastfeeding supplies, medication and other emergency supplies. There are other forms of assistance that you may qualify to receive once you apply for disaster assistance. As your application continues to be reviewed, you may still receive additional forms of assistance for other needs such as support for temporary housing and home repair costs. Learn more about the types of assistance available. If you have questions about your disaster assistance application and what you qualify for, contact us at 1-800-621-3362 to speak with a FEMA representative.

But that “application process” might not even get started. FEMA is already on an “Immediate Needs Funding” basis. That $750 might buy groceries for a week – or two – if one can get to an open grocery store!

FEMA also wants people to believe that none of their operatives are stopping trucks containing donations of emergency supplies. That’s a lie. From Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.):

Yesterday, you stated that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), which is a part of your department, “does not have enough funds to make it through the hurricane] season.” This news comes after FEMA has spent hundreds of millions of taxpayer dollars on migrants due to Border Czar Kamala Harris' open border instead of prioritizing funding for Americans impacted by disasters.
My office has been in contact with whistleblowers in numerous emergency-management functions at the federal, state, and local levels, and they all point to the same critical mismanagement issues. FEMA has wasted taxpayer funds, misappropriated funds, and left other federal, state, and local responders without deployment orders on the ground.
As reported and further confirmed by my office, hundreds, if not thousands of service members were deployed by the Department of Defense to North Carolina and have sat idle, waiting for FEMA. We have confirmed FEMA employees deployed, on the clock, awaiting orders in hotels. FEMA pre-disaster aid was withheld, exacerbating the emergency. It is also public [knowledge] that NGOs have purchased airline tickets for migrants through the use of FEMA funds.
The aftermath of Hurricane Helene is a major disaster, and your waste and unpreparedness are leaving Americans in distress—unable to access food, water, or medicine—and expecting help, with none coming.
Please provide answers to the following questions to my office by October 11, 2024:
(1) What policies and regulations of the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA prevent emergency funds from being wasted on illegal immigrants, including what conditions are placed on grantees of the agency?; and
(2) Of FEMA's total budget for FY 2024, what portion of funds can be guaranteed to have been spent solely on American citizens, and what portion of funds was or may have been spent on noncitizens?; and
(3) In FY 2024, what portion of funds in the Disaster Relief Fund has been spent on non-disaster-relief programs, such as providing services to illegal aliens or providing routine training to FEMA employees
authorized our of general appropriations.

Greg Price embedded that letter in an outraged post today:

President Biden did, finally, visit the disaster area in North Carolina on Wednesday. Source: WLOS-TV, Channel 13, ABC-TV, Raleigh, N.C.

But that visit provoked a four-hour delay in search-and-rescue efforts, according to Rep. Cory Mills (R-Fla.)

President Biden decided to do a fly-in… he put a 30-mile TFR (Temporary Flight Restriction) around the actual impacted area, which means that no helicopters and no plane have any access or any capability to fly. So for four hours, they were grounded, search and rescue were grounded, distribution of food and supplies was grounded.

Jim Hoft also confirmed FEMA’s programs of assistance to non-citizens. The embedded images show that this has been going on for more than a year.

Late this afternoon, Elon Musk accused FEMA operatives of interfering with his SpaceX engineers as they set up Starlink stations and deliver supplies.

Just received this note from a SpaceX engineer helping on the ground in North Carolina. FEMA is not merely failing to adequately help people in trouble, but is actively blocking citizens who try to help!
“Hey Elon, update here on site of Asheville, NC. We have powered up two large operating bases for choppers to deliver goods into hands. We’ve deployed 300+ starlinks and outpour is it has saved many lives. The big issue is FEMA is actively blocking shipments and seizing goods and services locally and locking them away to state they are their own. It’s very real and scary how much they have taken control to stop people helping. We are blocked now on the shipments of new starlinks coming in until we get an escort from the fire dept. but that may not be enough.”

Just received this text 20 mins ago. The level of belligerent government incompetence is staggering!!
Mike: “Hey Elon, update here on site of Asheville, NC….”
Musk: WTF!? FEMA is both incompetent and stopping people from helping!? How can I help?
Mike: It’s true. They are now about to shut down the Air space to ‘regulate’ the private choppers we are riding in to deliver Starlink and supplies. We are pushing back with Trump team as well to help us, but not looking good. We need help to get word out about FEMA. We spoke with Ivanka [Trump] and handed out Starlinks with her yesterday, but FEMA then showed up and started blocking us.
The largest concern for us here is the FAA throttling flights for our choppers, where they are requiring To/from information and mission now to deliver a discrete code. Doing this takes a long time and very cumbersome to the ops. This is the largest concern and most help we could use. But I appreciate…

In response to this post, Pete Buttigieg, Secretary of Transportation, dared call Musk a liar! But Musk, copying Laura Loomer, has the receipts.

BUTTIGIEG: No one is shutting down the airspace and FAA doesn’t block legitimate rescue and recovery flights. If you’re encountering a problem give me a call.
MUSK: There are hundreds of reports of FEMA/FAA blocking flights. This literally just happened. I will follow you. Please DM me the number to call.

Musk also shared video from one of his engineers:

SpaceX engineers are trying to deliver Starlink terminals & supplies to devastated areas in North Carolina right now and FEMA is both failing to help AND won’t let others help. This is unconscionable!!
They just took this video a few hours ago, where you can see the level of devastation: roads, houses, electricity, water supply and ground Internet connections completely destroyed. FEMA wouldn’t let them land to deliver critical supplies … my blood is boiling …

Will Hurricane Helene decide the election?

Elon Musk and at least two Members of Congress have just confirmed that FEMA is blocking others from helping. Witnesses accuse FEMA operatives of seizing supplies so they can pretend that the supplies came from the federal government. Or perhaps they’re making sure those supplies never get through, and hundreds of people starve. Again, whoever is running that Rumor Control Desk is lying through his or her teeth.

In light of this outrageous performance, David Axelrod’s taunt becomes seriously chilling. This suggests that the government is deliberately plotting to make sure none of the people in the affected area, except the residents of the ritzy neighborhoods in Asheville, will be casting any votes this election season. David Axelrod knows it. But, like a surprising number of Democratic Party sympathizers, he does not know how to keep his mouth shut. In this featured image on Christina Laila’s article, he delivers an ear-to-ear smirk.

This is treason – levying war against one’s own country. Stopping people from voting isn’t even the half of what the federal government is doing. If CNAV didn’t doubt the notion of human control of the weather, we’d believe the suspicions that the government spun up Tropical Cyclone Helene and sent her on her track, to cause maximum damage – and casualties – in Trump-sympathetic areas of the country.

Blood boiling is fine, in the heat of the moment. But eventually, several people need to receive Miranda Warnings.

And several other people rate impeachment for treason.

Link to:

The article:



The podcast most likely at issue:

Posts quoting Biden and Axelrod:

Posts about the situation on the ground:

Jim Hoft’s report about FEMA spending all its money:

Rumor control article:

Greg Price embeds Matt Gaetz’ letter:

Video: Biden visits the disaster area:

FEMA aid to non-citizens:

Elon Musk confirms FEMA interference:

David Axelrod’s smirk:

An extreme form of Mirandization, from the movie RoboCop (1987):

Declarations of Truth X feed:

Declarations of Truth Locals Community:

Conservative News and Views:

Clixnet Media

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Overgrown bullies

The week thus far has seen a booby-prize collection of overgrown bullies, masquerading as adults, emerge in American politics. All of them are on the left, consistent with the ideology of the left, and its basis. Most members of this collection display the kind of carping one sees in middle – not even high – school. But some of it is very serious, and reflects broken promises of government service, and perversion of government’s core functions.

The overgrown middle-school bullies

“Middle school” comprises the fifth through eighth grades in America – the top two grades of what earlier generations called “elementary school,” plus the two grades those same generations once called “junior high school.” Sadly, the abandonment of the “junior high school” term becomes appropriate. “Junior high” was a place of heightened expectations of mature behavior. Your editor once had a sixth-grade teacher often declaim,

When you get into junior high, they won’t tolerate this kind of behavior!

That particular school district also published a guidebook for sixth graders near the end of the year, with this title:

Take one giant step from 6th to 7th.

That’s not true any longer, and hasn’t been true for thirty to forty years.

Any teacher in middle school knows that every middle school has its cadre of bullies. They will criticize every aspect of a target’s habitus, dress, and behavior. Sometimes their carping is self-contradictory.

Take, for example, the criticism offered at of Sen. J. D. Vance (R-Ohio) for having a beard and mustache. Columnist Joe Navarro offered it in his piece, “Eight Body Language Tells from the Vice-Presidential Debate.”

One of the first bits of nonverbal communication to appear in the debate was on JD Vance’s face: his beard.… Our appearance is fundamental to our body language, and research indicates that voters see beards as (surprise, surprise) more masculine. That can be positive to some, reading as strength and competence. But to others, especially women, it can be negative, conveying aggression and opposition to feminist ideals.

Emily Schultheis, also at Politico, criticized that beard last summer. She raised the same issue:

By sporting a beard, Vance is on the cutting edge of a generational shift in facial hair styles — but he’s also in uncharted, potentially tricky territory. He, and by extension Trump’s campaign, are betting that voters will see his facial hair as a sign of Vance as the rugged everyman — “a young Abraham Lincoln,” as Trump said earlier this month — rather than giving off undertones of an untrustworthy aggressor.

She went on to describe how men, especially in politics, shaved their beards and mustache when King Camp Gillette invented safety razors with disposable blades. Her message is clear: that beard is uncool, uncouth, and unfriendly. But by her own admission, that stigma, which might have held as recently as 2015, no longer holds.

More pathetic examples

Greg Price found that obsession with Vance’ beard and mustache “pathetic.”

It’s also an inconsistent dividing line; Special Counsel Jack Smith also sports a beard and mustache. (More about him below.)

Nor is this the only instance of adults engaging in middle-school-style bullying. The world saw it on MSNBC, after the Vice-Presidential debate. That’s when Rachel Maddow and “Joyless” Reid described the debate in terms that would mystify anyone who actually watched it. But another personality, Nicolle Wallace, said some even more embarrassing things – for herself. Concerning the CBS producers cutting off Vance’s microphone as he defended himself against a charge of distortion of fact:

If you're a woman, that might be the worst moment JD Vance had because he was going to mansplain right over that mute button… I think that a lot of women in positions of authority that should command respect just by virtue of that dynamic will see themselves and some dude that disrespected them and talked over.

That’s not the way it works, Ms. Wallace – and if this is “mansplaining,” so be it. A person in authority, who breaks his (or her) own rules, invites contempt for his (or her) authority.

Rachel Maddow made things worse:

The substance of that moment was when he was lying about immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, again, and Tim Walz had called him out on it, and then he was trying to say, no, no, I'm not lying. Let me tell you why I'm calling them illegal immigrants, even though they are not illegal immigrants; let me mansplain the law to you. And the moderators, in that point, not only muted his mic, but said, thank you for explaining the law, not what we're asking you.


But that counts for almost nothing compared to what Ms. Wallace said next:

It's the audacity. I agree with you that we're in year nine, and no one knows how to cover the audacity, the audacity is it’s, is it’s—someone should have said, “Stop it, stop, stop. Are you effing kidding me?” And they should have, they should have dropped that F bomb, right?
I mean, they should just—we, this is a debate. This may be the only chance people have to see the difference, and instead, I'll go back to my toothpicks. JD Vance just put one little toothpick on top of the other and said, “And I'm for this, and I'm for this, and I'm so sorry those women died.” They died because of Donald Trump.
One man had a litmus test for the people he put on the Supreme Court, and he put not one, not two, he put three on because they passed the litmus test that they would overturn Roe. And that's why Amber died.
That's why that little boy doesn't have a mom, and nobody made that reality come to life. Because I think if you, even if you didn't get the contrast you were looking for, neither did you get any, any, you know—wake up and smell the smelling salts. You know, you were sort of lulled into normalcy.


For the record, one Amber Thurman took mifepristone, then the usual prostaglandin analogue – without a doctor’s supervision – then developed sepsis. That caused her death. To suggest, as Mss. Wallace, Maddow, and Reid do (and Gov. Tim Walz did), that women shouldn’t have to indulge in “abortion tourism” to kill the babies they did not have to conceive, escalates middle-school-style bullying beyond the “mere words” level. Now it starts getting into sticks and stones. (By the way, Georgia has lapsed into abortion tourist-trap territory, after a State judge invalidated its six-week limit.)

More serious examples

Which brings us to examples of bullying that have real consequences for people, beyond someone telling them to shut up. Last year, the Federal Communications Commission revoked a contract award that would have seen Starlink stations in rural areas in 35 States. They did this after Musk bought Twitter and ousted another overgrown middle-school bully, Parag Agrawal, as CEO. Yesterday Elon Musk, founder of SpaceX, pointed out that those stations could have saved lives during Hurricane Helene. Incredibly, the Biden-Harris administration tried to claim credit for a dual initiative by Musk and Donald Trump to bring Starlink to the affected areas.

Yesterday Judge Tanya Chutkan of the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia unsealed a 165-page brief by Special Counsel Jack Smith. That brief alleges, with little supporting evidence, that Trump, acting as a candidate, abused his authority to “overturn” the Election of 2020. The judge also slapped a gag order on Trump, so that he cannot tell his side of events. Happily, that brief tells nothing new, whatever the legacy media might say about it. The judge obviously unsealed the brief to make Trump look bad. But CNAV predicts his supporters will treat it with the contempt it deserves. (As legal commentator Paul Ingrassia does.)

In two days Trump returns to the scene of the first attempt on his life this year. The Pennsylvania Department of State will shut down voter registration from 6:00 p.m. to midnight that day, for “maintenance.”

This Saturday, President Trump is returning to the Butler Farm Show grounds — it will receive nat’l attention.
Event begins @ 5 p.m.
The Pennsylvania voter registration website will be unavailable for maintenance from 6 p.m. - 12 a.m.

Once is happenstance, twice is coincidence, and the third time it’s enemy action.

Ian Fleming

The bullies have cost lives

Even more serious is the government’s response to Tropical Cyclone Helene. CNAV has already mentioned their attempt to claim credit for Starlink installations in the affected areas. (Furthermore, had the FCC not revoked an award President Trump made in 2020, some people would be alive today.) According to the latest reports, the government can afford no more than $750 per person in the affected zone. This, said Vice-President Kamala Harris, in the zone for a photo-op, would come in the form of a check. One person flatly told Harris to insert that check where the Sun does not shine.

This morning, The Gateway Pundit passed along information from America First Legal. The Federal Emergency Management Agency has spent $1 billion on illegal immigrant resettlement. That’s why the government can only draw checks for $750 per person – a trifle.

Worse, the fire chief of Lake Lure, North Carolina, threatened a volunteer helicopter pilot with arrest in the middle of a rescue operation. He had to leave a would-be evacuee stranded as officials imposed temporary flight restrictions over the area. That evacuee had to swim across a rain-swollen river to get to some semblance of safety. Two different news organs – the New York Post and The Daily Mail – are waiting for comment from Lake Lure officials.

In another inexplicable development, Gov. Roy Cooper (D-N.C.) has so far neglected to cut mission orders for 1,000 National Guardsmen to respond to the disaster area.

According to a source in North Carolina, despite 1,000 troops being ready and authorized to respond in NC, FEMA Region 4 and Democrat NC Gov. Roy Cooper haven’t yet written up the mission orders that the troops need in order to be deployed. So those troops are just sitting around twiddling their thumbs. It’s been 7 days since Hurricane Helene made landfall. What on earth are you doing, Roy Cooper and FEMA?


The American political left is a gang of overgrown middle-school bullies. Worse yet, they have taken over the United States government and several State and local governments, and legacy media. In so doing, they have earned contempt for themselves. Unfortunately that contempt now extends to the institutions they have taken over.

The way to handle a bully who dispenses nothing but hurtful words is to ignore him. But when the bullying reaches the sticks-and-stones stage, that calls for a more decisive response. The response need not be in kind – and some kinds of bullying one may not repay in kind. (To do so often means harming innocent people.) But the response must be of a sort that will stop the bullying and deter future instances.

Only with your vote can a definitive, decisive response come about. That response will require the dismissal, arrest, and imprisonment of members of the government side of the Censorship Industrial Complex. Ideally it should include the removal of certain judges from the District and Appellate benches, on impeachment for, and conviction of, violations of Constitutional rights, and usurpation of reserved powers of the States. And where lives have been lost, charges of treason – levying war against one’s own country – would be appropriate.

If this does not happen, let everyone remember what Abraham Lincoln once said in connection with censorship on sensitive issues. To paraphrase:

There is a judgment and a feeling against [one-world socialism, reversed racism, and woke-ism] in this nation, which cast at least [seventy-five] million[s] of votes. You cannot destroy that judgment and feeling – that sentiment – by [falsely imprisoning or assassinating] the [champion who] rallies around it. [And even if you think you can, h]ow much would you gain by forcing the sentiment which [inspired him] out of the peaceful channel of the ballot-box, into some other channel? What would that other channel probably be? Would [secession of aggrieved States] be [made less or more likely] by the operation?


Neither let us be slandered from our duty by false accusations against us, nor frightened from it by [threats] of destruction to [Constitutional] Government nor of dungeons to ourselves. LET US HAVE FAITH THAT RIGHT MAKES MIGHT, AND IN THAT FAITH, LET US, TO THE END, DARE TO DO OUR DUTY AS WE UNDERSTAND IT.

And remember: the Texas Nationalist Movement is watching.

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Greg Price on criticism of Vance’ beard:

Video: MSNBC “analysis” of the Vice-Presidential debate:


Video: Nicolle Wallace melts down:


U.S. v. Trump 165-page brief (and analysis):

Scott Pressler’s protetst of the Pennsylvania voter registration “maintenance” decision:

FEMA spent a billion on illegal aliens:

Helicopter pilot’s story:

Roy Cooper not deploying troops:

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Leadership contrast in disaster’s wake

Over the weekend, a Category 4 hurricane cut a swath of destruction across the American Southeast. Two candidates for President had a chance to show their leadership in the wake of that disaster. One is showing leadership and doing useful work to relieve suffering and anguish. But reporters caught the other one flatfooted – and that person then released a photograph meant to give the appearance of leadership, except for a glaring overlooked detail. Guess which candidate was actually in command, and which one was taking matters into his own capable and resourceful hands? If you put Kamala Harris and Donald Trump into the first and second positions, you guessed correctly. It was the most glaring leadership failure thus far by the Biden-Harris administration – and that’s saying a lot! It also showed who should return as President next January.

An occasion for leadership

The devastating named storm, now long dissipated over Louisville, Kentucky, was named Helene. On Thursday (September 24) this storm, a Category 4 hurricane, made landfall in the eastern part of the Florida Panhandle. Her track seemed to cut the Panhandle off from the Peninsula, then moved through eastern Georgia, over the western tip of North Carolina, then across East Tennessee, and finally into Kentucky. There the storm track curved back on itself, and Helene finished as a “tropical low” over Louisville. (Source: WXIA-TV, Channel 11, Atlanta, Georgia.)

This storm took a toll of death, damage, and destruction that even North America rarely sees during “Hurricane Season.”



More than 130 people have died of the usual immediate violent events – drowning, falling objects, etc. 1000 more are missing. Electricity, natural gas, and water are not available to millions of people at this time. The storm tore up roads and washed out bridges, thus cutting many people off from food or shelter. Asheville, North Carolina, seems to have suffered the worst. In some cases it has destroyed historical structures. Nor did the toll confine itself to the track; Southwest Virginia also felt the effects.

Incidentally, several electric cars in Florida exploded after saltwater flooded them. Great American Electric Vehicle Road Test Failure, Round Two.

Where were Biden and Harris?

The first obvious official responsible for any disaster in any given State is that State’s governor. But the federal government has nominally taken on a responsibility to assist State and local officials after events like this. That’s what the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) exists to provide. In addition, people expect the President to “do something.” George W. Bush famously suffered embarrassment by appearing not to respond quickly enough to Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

So how did Biden and Harris respond? Biden turned in, by all odds, the worst performance. He spent the weekend at the beach, then lamely said he was “commanding” while out of sight. Later he said he had “given them all we have.”

But he’s not running for President again; his Vice-President is. So what performance did she turn in? Reporters shouted a question at her about the cyclone as she got out of her limousine and crossed the tarmac to the boarding ramp to the C-32 that flies as Air Force Two while she is aboard. And she didn’t acknowledge the question.

Later she released a photograph of herself ostensibly taking a call on a smartphone and taking notes.

She had a set of “ear buds” in place. But she didn’t plug them into her phone. She just left the cord dangling. Later, she appeared at FEMA headquarters, spoke for five minutes, then left without taking any questions.

Trump goes on the scene

In stark contrast, Donald Trump has behaved strikingly like the President he once was, and hopes to be again. He’s not doing it alone; the “Cajun Navy,” an interstate emergency river-boat and air militia that formed after Hurricane Katrina, is now on the scene.

President Trump traveled first to Valdosta, Georgia, another hard-hit town, yesterday. He held a press briefing in that town that afternoon.



But he did more than talk: he brought relief supplies with him.

🚨BREAKING: President Trump just announced a visit to Valdosta, Georgia to distribute relief supplies in the wake of Hurricane Helene and deliver remarks to the press. Some ask where is Trump? He's helping the people even before he got elected! Where is Kamala? Where is Biden?

We are now heading to Valdosta, Georgia, in order to pay my respects and bring lots of relief material, including fuel, equipment, water, and other things, to the State. Many politicians and Law Enforcement will be there. We’ll be saying hello to Franklin Graham, Burt Jones, Tyler Harper, Mike Collins, Austin Scott, Russ Goodman, Sam Watson, and the Mayor of Valdosta Scott James. They are working very hard. I was also going to stop into North Carolina, which has really been hit hard. I have a lot of supplies ready for them, but access and communication is now restricted, and we want to make sure that Local Emergency Management is able to focus on helping the people most affected, and not being concerned with me. I’ll be there shortly, but don’t like the reports that I’m getting about the Federal Government, and the Democrat Governor of the State, going out of their way to not help people in Republican areas. MAGA!

PRESIDENT TRUMP: “We came down with truckloads of different items, from oil to water. We're here today to stand with complete solidarity with the people of Georgia and all those suffering in the terrible aftermath of Hurricane Helene.”

Trump also said he’d asked Elon Musk to rush some Starlink installations into the affected area.

BREAKING: Trump just revealed that he is personally coordinating with Elon Musk to get Starlink set up for Hurricane Helene victims who have lost communication. “We want to get Starlink hooked up because they have no communication whatsoever. And Elon will always come through. We know that.”
It's not even a joke anymore. Elon Musk and Trump are doing more to save America than the traitors in power right now.

Investigative journalist Nick Sortor had already set up two “public stations” in Asheville.

Another outlet disputes Trump’s account, saying FEMA already had a Starlink coordination plan in place. But so far, only that one outlet is saying that.

Trump’s latest action is a fundraising campaign to raise relief funds for the stricken areas. A GoFundMe page is already active.

BREAKING: Trump just launched a GoFundMe for Hurricane Helene victims. It's almost at $1 million already just within a few minutes. He's taking matters into his own hands because the federal government refuses to care.

An ancient example of leadership

Clearly Donald Trump is showing leadership, while Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are not. But Trump is also echoing an ancient paradigm of political leadership – from ancient Rome. Before Rome invented the administrative state that would eventually contribute to her downfall, she expected her politicians and general officers to supply the needs of the Roman state and its citizens out of their own pockets. Even Roman infantrymen had to supply their own equipment, until seven-times consul Gaius Marius invented the concept government issue. The famous Roads Leading to Rome were all semi-private projects, like the Via Appia by Appius Claudius Caecus (“The Blind”).

In this context, the example of Gaius Julius Caesar, the eventual revolutionary, is instructive. Returning from Further Spain in 66 B.C., he ran for election as curator of the Via Appia and won. Then he spent a fortune, out of his own pocket, bringing that road back to proper repair. That was how Caesar did everything. In 64 B.C., as High Commissioner of Building Inspections, Public Works, and Entertainment (officially, aedilus curulis), he anticipated Donald Trump’s Central Park Skating Rink project by producing the greatest games Rome had yet seen.

No evidence exists that Donald Trump studied Caesar, but none can doubt he is following Caesar’s example. Incredibly, Joe Biden tells the American people to donate to hurricane relief.

BREAKING🚨🚨🚨🚨 This POS just said the American people need to help fund the recovery of Hurricane Helene in NC. Because it’s gonna take a hell of a lot of money. Is he FUKING KIDDING ME !!!!!!! Okay now I’m officially LIVID. Make this VIRAL!!! Please.

The modern demonstration

But Donald Trump, not Biden or Harris, is on the ground, organizing that relief. This is only the latest example. Earlier, Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine sought him out, even after earlier discussing matters with Vice-President Harris. Trump politely received him, and the two earnestly discussed how to end the Russia-Ukraine war.

Trump’s detractors might presume to criticize him for taking on himself the functions of the President he is not. But when neither the incumbent President nor their installed candidate will exercise those functions, someone must. That might be unorthodox, but it is no less necessary – and the precedent for it is thousands of years old.

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