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Deep State Diaries
June 25, 2024
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Seven months ago, America First Legal (AFL) – no stranger to legal controversy – took the Department of Homeland Security to court. Two months earlier, that Department had formed a Homeland Intelligence Experts Group, ostensibly tasked with finding politically motivated murderers and/or saboteurs operating within the United States. A mission like that would naturally evoke memories of suspected “Fifth Column” activity during the Second World War. But this group had a mission straight out of movies like Fahrenheit 451: to spy on Americans and detect dissidents. Toward the beginning of last months, AFL announced victory: the Department had to shut down the Homeland Intelligence Group. But the game did not end there. Now AFL is releasing the Deep State Diaries, now in their fourrth installment. The reading is even more chilling than the Twitter Files ever could have been.

Origin of the Deep State Diaries

Again: in September of 2023, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) formed the Homeland Intelligence Experts Group (HIEG). Its ostensible mission: “to provide advice and perspectives on intelligence and national security efforts.” But why homeland intelligence? Even at its most charitable, such a group and mission proceeds from the tired assumption of governments everywhere. Which is: private subjects (or “citizens”) are not qualified to detect or defend against groups planning sabotage or mass murder. Such things are public hazards and require a public response.

But HIEG was worse. First, DHS formed it in violation of the Federal Advisory Committees Act. Second, SecHomeSec Alexander Mayorkas hand-selected its members and chose them for their partisanship. It had no former Trump Administration members – and at least two of them were among the fifty-one “intelligence professionals” who signed a letter denouncing the Hunter Biden Laptop as a Russian-planted fraud. These were John Brennan, former director of the CIA, and James Clapper, Barack Obama’s Director of National Intelligence.

Outraged, AFL sued the Department in the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. They listed Ambassador Richard Grenell, former Acting Director of National Intelligence, as co-plaintiff. When they did, they dropped this thread:

The thread names a few other names, all with a history of almost-all Democrat political campaign contributions.

This so-called “Experts Group” is another example of partisan lawlessness at DHS. It is an effort by the Biden Admin to cover their tracks and obfuscate their ongoing efforts to censor the online political speech of Americans, maintain an open border, and target law enforcement at political opponents rather than criminals and illegal aliens.

A year ago, AFL had sued the Department of Education and won an injunction to shut down the equally partisan National Parents and Families Engagement Council.

Disbanding the group to dismiss the suit

On May 3, AFL triumphantly announced that DHS agreed to disband HIEG in order to dismiss the lawsuit. Why they folded their tent so abruptly, AFL did not speculate. But another part of the “Stipulation of Dismissal” was for DHS to turn over all internal HIEG documents to AFL.

This thread reviews the material in the thread announcing the lawsuit. It also includes a letter from Senators Rand Paul (R-Ky.), Rick Scott (R-Fla.), Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.), and Roger Marshall (R-Kansas). That letter demanded rescission of all appointments to HIEG. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) separately demanded disbanding HIEG, as did Reps. Mark Green (R-Tenn.) and August Pfluger (R-Texas). Rep. Pfluger, as Chairman of the House Subcommittee on Terrorism, Law Enforcement, and Intelligence, introduced a bill (H.R. 5729) to defund HIEG or any group like it.

The Deep State Diaries are the internal documents AFL wrung from DHS in their Stipulation of Dismissal.

Finally, on June 20, AFL released the first installment of the Deep State Diaries to Platform X.

Deep State Diaries – their true purpose

This installment revealed the true purposes of HIEG, which were to:

  • Encourage Americans to report their dissident neighbors to federal agents, authorities, and officials, and:

  • Reclassify political dissent as a public health hazard.

They proposed the second part to encourage mothers and former teachers to “come forward.” The phrase “public health catcher’s mitt” appears in one of the photographed documents.

When DHS announced HIEG, this group had already been meeting for four months. But in their September 2023 meeting, its members knew they had a problem. They had no credible mandate to encourage the cooperation of State or local officials. But those documents also reveal that “support” for this mission escalated after the January 6 Event. Even so, HIEG members knew that Americans didn’t like to tell on one another. They had seen this during the “See Something, Say Something” campaign after the Attacks on September 11, 2001.

That’s why they decided to couch the problem as a public health hazard. The public health hazard was mental – in other words, dissent from the government was a problem of paranoid ideation. Paranoid (literally, “beside one’s mind”) means believing that one is more important than he is – and a target.

And if that did not suffice, say the documents, the Group would turn to “corporate America.” That presumably includes customer data that large consumer-oriented corporations always collect on their customers.

We are domestic terrorists?

The next day, AFL released the second Deep State Diaries installment.

This relatively short thread reveals that DHS now considered supporters of President Trump to be domestic terrorists. Or at minimum, they were going to treat Trump supporters as such. In addition, DHS suspected active-duty or discharged military and “religious” people to be their enemies.

Once again, this is typical tyrannical boilerplate. It now begins to resemble Ned Young and Matt Rapf’s failed pilot, Shadow on the Land (1967). In that project, inner-city riots have led a panicked American populace to embrace the “Leadership” of a neo-Nazi regime. Or consider Blue Thunder (1983), featuring the deliberate fomenting of inner-city riots to justify creating an airborne SWAT force. Imagine helicopter gunships “restoring” order – in American cities.

Yesterday AFL released the third installment of the Deep State Diaries.

According to this, HIEG used two events that the government itself created to justify surveillance of political dissent. The first of these was, of course, the January 6 Event – which we can confidently regard as a false-flag pseudo-operation. That Event convinced many career analysts to accept political surveillance as necessary to good civil order. From that day forward, the FBI and other agencies cast aside all doubts about the scope of their authority.

Using the Mar-A-Lago Raid

And the second? That was the Mar-A-Lago Raid. We now know that the FBI “staged the scene” of the mess of “classified documents” on a floor. These documents show “concern” about a “violent reaction” to the raid.

They need never have worried – if they really did worry. Republicans are polite to a fault; Democrats are brazenly rude. Furthermore, many of their nominal constituents are as violent as they are rude. All the riots have been by Democrat nominal constituencies. Yet this group took no action in response to them. Nor did they respond to multiple shootings in Washington, D.C., and Chicago, Ill. And perhaps these spooks know this. What they really worried about was how to distinguish political hyperbole from real plans for sabotage or an armed strike.

Today AFL released their fourth installment, focusing on a favorite HIEG catch phrase: “quietly making democracy work.”

The documents in this fourth part reveal that these Deep State minions embraced their dubious distinction. They also specifically identified supporters of Donald Trump as domestic terrorists. Indeed they reveled in the initials “DT” which could stand either for “domestic terrorism” or for Donald Trump.

A far cry from The Washington Post’s longtime slogan, “Democracy Dies in Darkness,” the Deep State now appears to claim that darkness and secrecy are necessary parts of “making democracy work.”

Analysis: the Deep State Diaries reveal paranoia

So now who are the paranoiacs? The trouble with spinning a narrative about your opponents indulging in paranoid ideation, is that you yourself start falling into paranoid ideation. That goes double when your actions, or the policies you support, induce paranoid thinking. (The difference is that, in this case, those who think they are targets, really are targets.) Such seems to be the case with these career intelligence types.

Indeed such has been one of two possible weaknesses of the security apparatuses of tyrannical governments everywhere. The other is that those whose stock-in-trade is live-action roleplay and similar fiction, can no longer tell fact from fiction. Neither can they really know whom they can trust.

No doubt some Americans remain who could never imagine that their government – of the people, by the people, and for the people, to quote Abraham Lincoln – was capable of such action as America First Legal reveals. That is, until today. But a certain civilization set the precedent for it thousands of years ago.

Historical perspective

Emperor Augustus, or so the late Colleen McCullough theorized, invented the concept of organized military espionage. He had “agents” in the camp of his target Marcus Junius Brutus, and also of his nominal ally, Mark Antony. This led to victory at Philippi, and eventually in Alexandria. But it also set the most dangerous precedent the United States ever inherited from the Roman Republic and Empire.

Most people look to the old Soviet Union with its Ministry – later Committee – for State Security. Or they look to Nazi Germany with its Gestapo and Schutzstaffel (SS). But this kind of spying has been with us at least since ancient Rome.

Another historical precedent should help make sense of the Deep State Diaries. Those who, like the Deep State, set out to ruin large numbers of lives, live in constant fear of their targets finding them out. That fear is now realized, and the evidence laid out here – with more to come – is all we need to know to tell us how we must vote. But Joe Biden seems unable even to plan to see to his bodily needs. Therefore this did not come from Joe Biden, and perhaps not even (originally) from Barack Obama. It comes from other, hidden authorities, who will simply discard their failed operatives and recruit new ones. Defeating them will require imagining doing for ourselves, what the Deep State promises to do for us – while doing it to us instead.

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America First Legal threads:

Their lawsuit:

The Stipulation of Dismissal:

Deep State Diaries, Part One:

Part Two:

Part Three:

Part Four:

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Children trafficked in America

The last forty-eight hours have seen tragic, but undeniable, confirmation of a phenomenon the political left has consistently denied. Ever since Sound of Freedom premiered on July 4, 2023, detractors have consistently denied that child trafficking networks even existed. They have denied more ferociously the notion that these trafficking networks have nodes on American soil. Now, thanks to independent investigative journalists, we have conclusive proof of both. Children, largely from Latin America, are landing in the hands of those wishing to exploit them, for labor and sex.

Homeland Security lost track of more than 320,000 children

Thomas Hicks of the independent journalism organ calling itself Muckraker broke the story two days ago (September 25). He began with a Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General “Management Alert” having this dire title:

ICE Cannot Monitor All Unaccompanied Migrant Children Released from DHS and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Custody

This 18-page document tells a tale of mismanagement, carelessness, oversight of the negative kind, and procedural impediments. In sum, Immigration and Customs Enforcement is supposed to track unaccompanied migrant children (Ucs) and handle their immigration cases. But of course these children never appear for scheduled court hearings. That’s because the entire immigration hearing system is a sick joke, but this report doesn’t cover that. But it does admit that hundreds of thousands of children have been lost. The report recommends that ICE put systems in place to start tracking children who don’t show up. But that won’t help the children who already have vanished from official \eyes.

Mr. Hicks gives this dire summary:

Per the DHS' August 19th announcement, 291,000 of the 300,000 unaccounted-for children were released into the United States without a scheduled court date, while another 32,000, who were given court dates, never showed up for their scheduled court appearance.

But that report doesn’t tell the whole story. In June, according to Hicks, someone inside the Department of Health and Human Services shared names and addresses for 8,000 of these missing children. Eight thousand is less than two and a half percent of 323,000, but it’s a start. Muckraker staff decided to track those 8,000 children on their own, if they could.

Tragic findings – and a hope-offering contact

The Muckraker article has photographs to back up their findings. They include an abandoned house where two boys, aged 7 and 10, simply disappeared. They also include a partially obscured photo of one of the lucky ones: a girl who experienced an Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) holding facility in Pomona, California – and lived to tell the tale.

[S]he encountered children who would cry because they were being sent to a sponsor who they did not know. [She] explained how children are woken up at 3 o'clock in the morning taken from the holding facility to their sponsors without the opportunity to say goodbye to their friends. [She] also told us about a friend of hers who was with her at the Pomona, California facility. [She] and her friend had agreed to contact each other on Facebook once they were placed safely with their sponsors. Unfortunately, [she] never heard from her friend again. It is unclear what the fate of her friend ultimately was.

At least this girl ended up with a truly safe sponsor, as far as Hicks and Muckraker know. Other children they tried to track were not so lucky.

Hicks described a CIA contractor, tasked to convey unaccompanied children to new sponsors often halfway across the country. Most of the children end up in Texas, California and Florida – 10,000 children per State per year. Some of the sponsors are not qualified – they are illegal aliens themselves. Furthermore, different illegal sponsors often use the same home addresses. One such address, a two-bedroom ranch-style house in Florida, housed 13 such children having four different adult “sponsors.”

We were told that this trafficking case had been reported to HSI, FBI, and HHS, but after sitting on the case for years, none of these agencies made any progress on it.
We were able to track down a brother and sister from Guatemala,who had been delivered to the trafficking ring in Bonita Springs Florida a few years prior. They claimed to have a debt over their head that [Subject One] and [Subject Two] have been using to extort them for years and explained a labor trafficking system that targets unaccompanied alien children.

This story has a single comment, probably one of the most useful comments any story like that ever receives:

IF you have child location data of active trafficking rings you are required by law to submit it to a police agency. If you possess broad based data, involving multiple States, sensitive child identity information and witness of criminal agency, facility locations you may need additional assistance.
Please reach out to Veterans 4 Child Rescue for consultancy on a project to rescue child cartel debtors, enslaved and trafficked children for incidental assistance with your witness reporting.

The commenter left this link:

That link leads to a request-for-contact form for use by Law Enforcement Officers . Muckraker is an organization of journalists, not private investigators. Why Veterans 4 Child Rescue would refer them to an LEO contact form, is not clear. However, Veterans 4 Child Rescue has accumulated good to excellent ratings at three separate charity rating agencies. They are Charity Navigator, Guidestar, and Great Nonprofits.

Further commentary

Drew Hernandez, who has his own channel on Rumble, dropped an 11-minute video on The Gateway Pundit’s channel describing findings on this and other subjects. In the description, he shared one more finding:

One of the most chilling findings are that most of these migrant children are begging to be sent back to their home countries, yet the federal U.S. government sends them to unvetted and unfamiliar sponsors against their own will. Yes, this has been confirmed to be true.
From when Border Patrol receives the unaccompanied minors, to when they are processed in the United States, then shipped to an unvetted sponsor in the United States against their will, these children are disappearing forever never to be seen from or heard from ever again.


In the video itself, Drew Hernandez mentioned a movie that described the problem. That movie is, of course, Sound of Freedom, produced by Eduardo Verástegui, directed by Alejandro Monteverde; with Jim Caviezel, Mira Sorvino, and Bill Camp; Santa Fe Productions/Angel Studios, released July 4, 2023. Recall that Disney, in buying the distribution rights along with their purchase of Twentieth-Century/Fox Pictures, shelved this picture. Santa Fe Productions managed to redeem their distribution rights, then signed a deal with Angel Studios. That film ended up out-grossing Disney’s big-name release, Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, toward the end of its run, in domestic sales.

Recall also that many people tried several dirty tricks to hurt sales and viewership – ultimately to no avail. While they were doing that, they consistently denied the events of that movie. “Conspiracy theories!” they cried.

Except that if you don’t want anyone to accuse you of conspiracy, then don’t conspire! Aside from the traffickers themselves, the Biden-Harris administration lost 323,000 children to them on their watch.

And about those adult illegal immigrant sponsors: don’t imagine that they are safe. Not with these numbers:

No matter your politics, these new numbers are shocking. Of the 7 million migrants that ICE released while their cases are being processed, 663,000 have criminal histories, 13,000 were convicted of homicide, 16,000 of sexual assault, and 1,845 face homicide charges.

Are anyone’s children safe?

Obviously the worst revelation here is that the United States government is even less able to protect children, whom adults bring into this country for nefarious purposes, than the Sound of Freedom film might have suggested. But one must ask whether children lawfully resident in this country are safe. How many crimes have those nearly 700,000 migrants with criminal histories and convictions, actually committed? And who brought those children into this country, and how did they acquire them?

One may legitimately question whether Joe Biden or Kamala Harris even care what happens to anyone’s children. They say they care, and paint lurid pictures (actually false) of Donald Trump “caging” children on his watch. But in fact Trump tried hard to stop child trafficking. That might be one reason why the elites have tried at least twice, and maybe three, four, or five times, to kill him. (The latest rumor mentions nine surface-to-air missiles smuggled into this country – to bring down Trump’s campaign aircraft.)


In fact Trump addressed Kamala Harris’ sorry record on non-protection of children in a press conference yesterday, at Trump Tower.


All of which to say that the election of Donald Trump is more urgent than ever – literally, for the sake of the children.

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The article:



The Muckraker story:

DHS Inspector General’s Management Alert:

Veterans 4 Child Rescue:


LEO Request Form:

Generic contact form:


Charity Navigator:


Great Nonprofits:

Drew Hernandez:


Video for The Gateway Pundit:


Mike Shellenberger shares the latest statistics on adult migrants, none of them reassuring:

Posts and video about the latest rumor about the surface-to-air missiles:


Trump press conference about the missing children:


Declarations of Truth X feed:

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September 26, 2024
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Has Mark Zuckerberg turned?

An astonishing development took place yesterday in the checkered history of Meta, Inc., owners of Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. Four weeks ago, Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta, abruptly confessed to the censorship his platforms practiced for years. Now The New York Times reports that he has hired a Republican “strategist” and plans to disengage from politics completely. Reactions to his apparent “rebranding” very from skepticism to open scorn. But that he would even attempt such “rebranding” shows that the “nationalist populism” of Donald J. Trump is more powerful than anyone has yet realized.

Recent moves by Zuckerberg

Nearly a month ago, Zuckerberg confessed his sins of censorship, false witness, and interference with business relationships. He set forth details in a letter to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio), Chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary and its Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government.

Specifically he confessed to censorship of the Hunter Biden Laptop story and two aspects of the coronavirus “pandemic”:

  • Exaggeration of the harms from coronavirus infection, especially to those not suffering from chronic illnesses, and

  • Denial or minimization of the harm from coronavirus vaccines.

Zuckerberg did not discuss his censorship of theories on the origin of coronavirus. Anyone challenging the official Wet Market Theory could expect content takedowns, shadow bans, “Facebook jail,” or ejection from Meta platforms. But he did discuss his “Zuckerbucks” program of financial support for local voter registration and elections offices. While not admitting any bias in such contributions or other wrongdoing, he announced suspension of the program.

In that letter he specifically accused the Biden administration of coercing him to do the censorship. But he did not and could not accuse the government of compelling him to make those “Zuckerbucks” contributions. Under no legal theory could he have claimed that excuse. That would constitute a taking of private property for public use without compensation, in violation of Amendment V. Which reads in relevant part:

[P]rivate property shall [not] be taken for public use, without just compensation.


Two weeks later, Rebecca Friedrichs, a conservative education activist, had two words to say to Zuckerberg: “Prove it!” In her essay on RealClearPolitics, she described her own shadowbanning, on Facebook and Twitter (now known as X). She also charged that she lost her personal Facebook page the day after Rep. Jordan released Zuckerberg’s letter. More to the point, Ms. Friedrichs described the damage by Meta’s Trust and Safety Teams, and those of other platforms:

  • Deaths of patients suffering chronic illnesses, deaths which coronavirus infection precipitated, because hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin were unavailable or forbidden.

  • Deaths and complications from “vaccines” issued under Emergency Use Authorizations, “vaccines” now shown to provide no benefit.

  • Election interference, in that many blithely voted for Biden, believing that the Hunter Biden Laptop was a Russian disinformation trick.

  • Children losing two years of learning because schools closed when they could have opened.

  • Sexualization of children – and either their grooming into “transitioning,” or violent acts that “transitioned” students perpetrated on fellow students.

Skeptics on X directed their fire in equal measure at Zuckerberg and Rep. Jordan. All wanted to know what, if anything, Jordan or Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), Speaker of the Housse, would do next.

Meanwhile, the case of Missouri v. Biden is back before Judge Terry A. Doughty of the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Louisiana. Facebook’s activities have figured prominently in that case – and now the government has filed another motion to dismiss.

The New York Times piece

Theodore Schleifer and Mike Isaac of The New York Times published their piece two nights ago, and updated it yesterday. Anyone writing for an organ like The New York Times, necessarily writes from a leftist perspective. Their article does not suggest that Mark Zuckerberg has turned conservative. Rather, they suggest he no longerr wants to play the high-stakes political games he once played. Republicans despise him for his injuries to them, and Democrats, having used him, have hung him out to dry. So now he wants, Pilate-like, to wash his hands of these affairs.

Citing anonymous sources within Meta, Schleifer and Isaac say Zuckerberg really has suspended all partisan programs. Likewise he has started moving against overt political activism at Meta. But those sources likely represent troublemakers at Trust and Safety who either didn’t get The Memo, or tore it up when they did get it. That would explain Rebecca Friedrichs’ continued shadowbanning and other difficulties.

Schleifer and Isaac suggest that Zuckerberg and his wife, Dr. Priscilla Chan, have had some shocking experiences lately. Those shocks might have soured them on the “far-left progressivism” they once embraced, or at least publicly nodded to. The outbreak of antisemitism on campus after the Fourth Arab-Israeli War began, seems to have been the strongest shock of all.

Zuckerberg finds out how leftists eat their own

Schliefer and Isaac lay out the eleven years of involvement by Zuckerberg and Dr. Chan in leftist politics. It began with Fwd.US, an organization dedicated to obtaining citizenship for “undocumented immigrants” – meaning citizenship for anyone who asked. Two years later they founded the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, dedicated to

an egalitarian world where they could “eliminate poverty and hunger,” “provide everyone with basic health care” and “nurture peaceful and understanding relationships between people of all nations.”

Schleifer and Isaac don’t want to admit it, but the election of Donald Trump in 2016 planted the seeds of what became civil war at Facebook/Meta and CZI. According to them, Zuckerberg took seriously, and to heart, accusations that Russians were using Facebook for their own ends. It caused him to wonder whether the political acts at CZI were doing any good. Then in the Long Hot Summer of 2020, a CZI employee openly told him to resign. At issue were Donald Trump’s statements on policy and other matters.

Then came the Zuckerbucks Affair – the Center for Technology and Civic Life. $400 million flowed into the coffers of that organization. It was supposed to go for increased voter safety during a “pandemic” whose dangers were exaggerated (see above). It ended up going to highly dubious projects like a Mobile Voter Registration and Voting Precinct that served Democrat areas only in Racine, Wisconsin. Elon Musk famously heaped scorn on Zuckerberg over this:

Funny you should mention “properly-run” social networks. Are you aware that Mark Zuckerberg, presumably a “proper-runner” of social networks, funded illegal voting vans in the last election?

Schliefer and Isaac make one revelation that seems incredible enough to doubt its authenticity:

In late 2022, Lori Goler, Meta’s head of human resources, introduced a new internal policy called “community engagement expectations,” according to a copy of the memo reviewed by The Times. It forbade employees from raising in the workplace issues such as abortion, racial justice movements and wars. Andrew Bosworth, Meta’s chief technology officer, championed the policy and was supported by Mr. Zuckerberg, two people familiar with the matter said.

Now, wait a minute…!

The persistence of politically motivated censorship, in light of that statement, begs explanation. And did the CEO really hire Brian Baker, “Republican strategist,” a scant days after the Zuckerbuck affair blew up? If so, where has Baker been all these years? Schliefer and Isaac credit Baker with assuring Donald Trump that no more Zuckerbucks will flow. Of course, he said that publicly to Chairman Jordan. And did Baker have nothing to say about the takedown of pictures of Trump raising his fist at Butler, Pennsylvania? In fact, those who didn’t read the Times piece, all missed how long Baker has been with Meta. Posts yesterday – like these two – suggest that Baker is a recent hire. But the Zuckerbucks Blow-up happened years ago.

About those “libertarian” politics: no one, who wants anything to do with “social justice reforms,” can call himself a libertarian. Libertarians believe in freedom of association, and freedom of philanthropy. To a libertarian, taxes should never support philanthropy or anything like it. Social-justice policy violates all these principles.

Furthermore, Schliefer and Isaac paint a picture of a company, and an associated charitable foundation, in civil war. If so, expect Vanguard to get involved.

Role of institutional investors – and Missouri plaintiffs

Vanguard, like BlackRock, is an “institutional investor,” and owns the biggest stake in Meta. Vanguard also shares Deep State, one-world, and depopulation ideology with BlackRock. Meta’s “dual-class share system” might enable him to stiff-arm Vanguard – and Fidelity, the other institutional investor. Maybe. Or maybe the head of Vanguard will pay Zuckerberg an unfriendly visit and (with apologies to Mario Puzo) “make [Zuck] an offer he can’t refuse.”

Jim Hoft, founder and head of The Gateway Pundit, is coldly furious with what he considers “slick rebranding” at Meta. Because he is a plaintiff in Missouri v. Biden, no one can expect him to credit Meta with lasting change. “Political theater!” he says. Hoft probably hasn’t read the Times piece intensively – because if he had, he’d heap even more scorn on that company. As it is, Hoft correctly observes that:

Meta’s track record speaks for itself: censorship, suppression, and manipulation of public discourse. Whether it’s silencing conservative voices or pandering to the progressive elite, Zuckerberg’s totalitarian control over information is a grave threat to the very fabric of free speech and democracy. We must not allow his slick rebranding to fool us into complacency.

Of course, that suggests that the Missouri plaintiffs should have sued Facebook and the other social media, not the government. Remember: organs like Gab and Rumble have told governments everywhere where they can put their demands for censorship. Mark Zuckerberg was a willing participant, at least until the New Persian Empire – Iran and its surrogates – carried their war against the Jews to American soil. Even now, “Republican strategist” Baker is at Meta for window dressing – after all, he’s been there practically since Missouri v. Biden began.

Plus ça change, plus ça reste.

Link to:

The article:



Zuckerberg’s confession letter:

The New York Times piece:

Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative “Letter to Max”

Elon Musk’s post about the Mobile Voter Registration and Voting Precinct in Racine, Wisc.:

Posts about the hiring of Brian Baker:

Declarations of Truth X feed:

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Conservative News and Views:

Clixnet Media

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September 25, 2024
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Is Trump scaring people out of the USA?

The last twenty-four hours have seen yet another “dire warning” that Donald Trump will do dictatorial things. This time, his former attorney, Michael Cohen, repeats a refrain he has sounded for four years. Now he says he will leave the United States and create a new identity if Trump wins this election. On one hand, his message joins a long line of rumors of celebrities saying they will leave the country. On the other, this is the most ridiculous – and detailed – exercise in projection in the history of American politics. For that reason alone, it is worth examining in detail, because we have the message in his own words.

What Michael Cohen has said about Donald Trump

Ben Kew at The Gateway Pundit has followed Michael Cohen’s often unhinged interviews since last June at least. Kew provided one report on June 8, and another last night (September 25). Each report features an interview Cohen gave to MSNBC.

On June 8, Cohen sat with MSNBC Anchor Ali Velshi for fifteen minutes, to discuss alleged threats of retribution by Trump against his political enemies. Cohen actually said Trump would order execution by defenestration if he won. Mr. Kew excerpted the transcript thus:

State-sponsored news just like what you have in Russia and their station which is called Pravda and means truth which is ironic, right? All of this goes away under a Donald Trump administration. Why? Because he doesn’t want to hear anything negative being said about him. The fact that you have this television show, the fact that you have the ability to speak truth to power, all of that goes away if in fact this man into becoming president.
All of these people whether it is Marco Rubio, Mike Johnson, Mark Meadows have all said disparaging things about Donald Trump at one point in time. they believe that if Donald Trump wins and they are shoulder to shoulder with him, that they will have unlimited power which would of course give them the ability to have unlimited resources and assets. One mistake that they are making, Donald Trump doesn’t share. It is all about him, not about his kids, not about his family, it is all about him.”
So they think that they are going to hitch themselves to his wagon in hopes that they are going to elevate themselves whether it is in power, through money, through connections and so forth, it does not work that way. He will not allow that and just like Putin, once you start to get too big for your own britches, people will start flying out of windows, they will end up in gulags. As Donald says all the time, send them to Gitmo, send them to Guantanamo Bay.

The one thing leftists always have lacked is a sense of irony. The Sixties saw the final repudiation of men who sounded warnings about Communism and its chief practicing country. That country was, of course, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics – better known as Soviet Russia. For Michael Cohen now to use Russia as an example of “state-sponsored news” is ironic for that reason. And for another: National Public Radio and the Public Broadcasting Service are the State sponsored news organs in America today. Not only that, but legacy media are State cooperative news under the Biden-Harris administration.

But yesterday Cohen said something more ironic to hostess Nicolle Wallace:

Q: What do you think happens to you if he wins?.
A: I’m out of here. I’m already working on a foreign passport with a completely different name. I don’t know how it is going to work as far as dealing with my wife and my children. I certainly don’t want them moving to where I’m looking to go.
I don’t think you or the president of the MSNBC, General Milley, Liz Cheney are safe. How many people has he turned around and said that these are people that I intend to go after if I have the ability to?
And the worst is the Supreme Court’s recent decision that gave him immunity, presidential immunity. Now he thinks it is not only can I do whatever I want, but I can’t even be prosecuted to get out of jail free card.
Q: So you’re out of here? Would you leave the country?
A: I have no choice.

To assume he read Sonia Sotomayor’s “five-alarm dissent” in the Presidential Immunity case (Trump v. United States) would be facile. Kew calls Cohen “a convicted perjurer and self-admitted thief.” That theft amounted to $60,000, and Cohen could have gotten 15 years for that. But death, he wouldn’t have gotten.

Project 2025 comes up

Michael Cohen also repeated another common Democratic Party refrain: Project 2025. Donald Trump has consistently disavowed any knowledge of Project 2025, or any role in it. Project 2025, a project of the Heritage Foundation, does exist. NPR submitted a 920-page document, that purports to be the Project 2025 outline, to Document Cloud. This is the real document.

Project 2025 has three parts:

  1. An outline of policy prescriptions for the first 100 days of a second Trump administration,

  2. A job application service for those hoping to secure jobs in government as Trump vacates certain positions, and

  3. A training program for those requiring and wanting such training.

Project 2025 relies largely on Trump’s plan to create a new class of federal employees, called Schedule F. Schedule F employees would be newly recognizable as political – because they help make policy. Trump created Schedule F to remove Barack Obama’s hangers-on who, he knew, were committing sabotage. This would create vacancies in “civil service,” vacancies which Project 2025 intends to fill.

Multiple leftists have cried out that Schedule F would create personnel shortages, undermine national security, or create other such ills. In fact Schedule F would destroy the “we see Presidents come and go” attitude. Continuity of policy has always favored the growth, intrusiveness, and tyranny of the administrative state. In fact, the “Civil Service” includes all the Deep State’s moles in government. It is high time to remove them and replace them with patriots, not one-worlders.

What else does Michael Cohen say?

One can safely say that none of the dire screeds about the policy agenda of Project 2025 are accurate. The agenda document discusses specific changes at various Cabinet-level departments and certain “independent agencies.” It does not contain a legislative agenda. So everything Michael Cohen, or any abortion-rights or Alphabet Soup activist, now says about Project 2025 is a lie.

He told another lie:

I warned the whole country and the world, that if Donald Trump lost the Election [of] 2020, there would never be a peaceful transfer of power.

But there was. And if the country has been less than peaceful since, blame Biden and Harris, not Trump. Now he says,

And I am warning the country today,… that if Trump wins [the Election of 2024], there will never be another election again.

Nicolle Wallace, looking at him with the pseudo-worshipful expression any prostitute knows how to deliver, egged him further on. “Leading the witness” is the most common defense objection to any prosecutor’s or plaintiff attorney’s mode of questioning. And that is what Nicolle Wallace did, in this case suggesting Trump had Cohen imprisoned merely because Cohen was about to write a derogatory book about Trump.

He even suggested that Trump had called for the arrest and imprisonment of those criticizing the Supreme Court Justices who formed the majority in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s. That’s not the case, either. Trump might have called for the arrest and imprisonment of those who threaten to assassinate those Justices. And those threats have come to pass – one against Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and another against all six Dobbs majority Justices.

Yet another celebrity threatening (promising?) to leave if Trump wins

Your editor’s X feeds have always been full of posts talking about this or that celebrity threatening to leave the country if Donald Trump wins the election. Very likely, most of these are false. But when a celebrity actually gives an interview and says that, it’s worth noting. Herewith a sampling:

Replies, quote-posts, and other reaction clearly shows that those voting for Trump, would not miss any of these people. When Michael Cohen’s announcement broke on X, most users had one of two two-word responses:

  1. Ho Hum, or

  2. Good riddance.

Where exactly Michael Cohen plans to go, he leaves few clues – and those clues are strange, if not dire. Where could he possibly go, that he wouldn’t want his wife or children to join him?

Where is Cohen going?

Whether Cohen is going anywhere, or not, his pronouncements are another matter. He is throwing off on Trump, pure and simple. Leftists – beginning with Josef Stalin – track down their enemies and execute them, even if those enemies go abroad. (Witness Leon Trotsky.) Leftists create State sponsored media – and the National Socialist German Workers’ Party is part of the left as well. Biden and the Deep State, not Trump, turned the first social media organs into State actors.

And the left are still doing it. Today, Jake Tapper, interviewing former Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), asked her about “a harsh Trump criticism of Kamala Harris.” Pelosi, apoplectic, asked, “Why would you even cover that?”

Gina Raimondo, Biden’s Commerce Secretary (and the official who lost the Chevron Deference cases), called on her fellow Democrats to “extinguish Trump for good.”

Cohen also accused Trump of planning to confiscate all of Elon Musk’s wealth. But that’s what the Biden-Harris administration probably plans. (Actually, Elon Musk won’t give those people the opportunity. He is re-headquartering his companies in Texas, while planning to launch and recover even his largest rocket ships at sea. In him we see the prime aerospace and defense contractor for the Republic of Texas, if Kamala Harris wins. So in mentioning Musk, Cohen probably just talked too much, and blew the gaffe.)


In sum, Michael Cohen is indulging in classic projection – throwing-off. But he also might have revealed too much about the kind of people with whom he has thrown in. Incidentally he might have revealed an upcoming plan that the American left would infinitely have preferred to keep secret.

Furthermore, he joins a long line of celebrities who have announced their intentions to leave the country if Trump wins. The list is certainly too long to reproduce here in full. Nor have we any indication – except from those who actually said something – that any one person actually intends to leave. But all are better gone – and the country can do without any more members of media – or the present administration – calling for Trump’s assassination, or using any such language.

Link to:

The article:



Michael Cohen’s two interviews:

Project 2025:

Project site:

Alleged project document (per NPR):

Actual document: Mandate for Leadership, from the Project 2025 site:

Sample posts about celebrities threatening to leave the country:

Jake Tapper interview with Nancy Pelosi:

Gina Raimondo interview:

Declarations of Truth X feed:

Declarations of Truth Locals Community:

Conservative News and Views:

Clixnet Media

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