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Censorship Industrial Complex redux
May 03, 2024
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Two days ago a key House subcommittee released a massive (881 pages!) report on social-media censorship in America. This subcommittee used the phrase Censorship Industrial Complex, a phrase they likely borrowed from Matt Taibbi, a star witness. But this report tells only half the story. That half perhaps is the half that would concern citizen legislators the more: the carrots and sticks the government used to threaten and otherwise coerce and induce various social-media companies to do their bidding. But they leave out the other half: why would these social-media companies give the White House the time of day? Why do they leave the redemption of social media to an eccentric billionaire, and an inveterate antisemitic conspiracy theorist? The answer could lie in Founding Father Benjamin Franklin’s characterization of politics as “the art of the possible.”

The Censorship Industrial Complex concept

Fourteen months ago, Matt Taibbi released his thread describing the Censorship Industrial Complex. On the day before (March 9, 2023), he and Mike Shellenberger had testified before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Regular readers will remember that Del. Stacy Plaskett (D-U.S.V.I.) called those men “direct threats to all who disagree with him.” Subcommittee (and Committee) Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) struck this prize example of projection from the record.

Even then, Taibbi accused Twitter of acting “more like a partner to government.” In fact he traced the activities of the Censorship Industrial Complex to 2020. That makes Twitter – the old Twitter, that is, before Elon Musk bought the company – guilty of election interference. Coercion is not the word for a company who puts in place the administration responsible for giving it unlawful orders. Collaboration is the real operative word.

An argument that didn’t work for William Calley at My Lai; an argument that didn’t work for the Nazis at Nuremberg.

Actor Kevin Pollack, as Lt. (jg) Sam Weinberg USNR, in A Few Good Men (1992)

True enough, the orders came in 2020 from government agencies. Remember: the Deep State consists of hangers-on, “civil servants,” and putative law-enforcement agents who collectively act like a law unto themselves. The FBI and CIA were parts and parcels of this illicit process. And some of the user accounts they targeted, were telling obvious lies – like saying the election was postponed for a day. But how do we know the Deep State didn’t salt Twitter with those accounts? Why can’t that be yet another false-flag pseudo-operation?

Their real mission

Aaron Maté of Real Clear Investigations has definitively shown that Presidents Obama and Biden ran a secret war against Russia. They’re still running it, with Ukraine as their proxy, pawn, and money laundry. During the Trump years, the Deep State kept this war going and plotted to oust Trump at the earliest opportunity. But any tyrant running a war for his own twisted gain must employ censorship to hide the truth. So it is with this Censorship Industrial Complex. That’s why the Deep State gave Twitter Trust and Safety (“The Moderators”) the convenient fiction that Russia was running a sophisticated operation to wage an information (meaning a propaganda) war against the United States, and give (purely verbal and moral) aid and comfort to the putative enemy of the United States, the Russian Federation.

The Framers of the Constitution knew that, if they weren’t careful, a would-be tyrant would accuse his opponents of treason. But they might not have anticipated the degree to which the modern tyrants Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and their minions would stretch the definition they gave. “To levy war” means to fight a kinetic war, with kinetic weapons. “Aid and comfort” must mean more than mere speech, because the First Amendment guarantees complete freedom of speech. Nevertheless we see the real mission of the Censorship Industrial Complex. And that is to continue its proxy war against Russia, and smear its opposition with a false attainder of treason.

Latest Censorship Industrial Complex report

Now the Weaponization Subcommittee has released a very large PDF file – too large for CNAV to host directly.

Its Executive Summary – without which this report would be virtually incomprehensible – tells the tale. It begins with this email from a ranking officer at Meta (Facebook and Instagram):

Just got off [an] hour long call with [Senior Advisor to President Biden] Andy Slavitt…. [H]e was outraged – not too strong of a word to describe his reaction – that we did not remove this post…. I countered that removing content like that would represent a significant incursion into traditional boundaries of free expression in the US but he replied that the post was directly comparing Covid vaccines to asbestos poisoning in a way which demonstrably inhibits confidence in Covid vaccines amongst those the Biden Administration is trying to reach.

Sir Nick Clegg, Meta’s President of Global Affairs, former Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, describing his efforts to explain the boundaries of the First Amendment to the Biden White House in April 2021.

But of course the White House does not care about freedom of speech. They in fact argued for the continued authority to censor, in Murthy v. Missouri.


And when they did, at least one-third of the Supreme Court agreed with them! But part of their grounds for agreement is that the social media companies were free to refuse the government’s orders.

Jordan’s Weaponization Subcommittee staff chose to dispute that, and lay the blame squarely on the Biden administration. The Executive Summary seems to focus on the COVID-19 “wild origin” narrative and vaccines. As “disastrous” as these things are, the proxy war with Russia is worse. At least neither virus nor vaccine will kill someone through spontaneous nuclear combustion.

The Executive Summary goes on to accuse the White House of pressuring social-media companies to:

  • Change their content moderation policies to suit the government,

  • Remove true, satirical, and other perfectly legitimate content, and

  • Chill any further discussion on the “sensitive subjects” of White House interest.

What threats could they make?

Furthermore, they had credible policy threats to make, and thus a means of coercion. Nor did they limit themselves to social media. They pressured Amazon, the leading (indeed, the cartel leading) bookseller, to de-list books. Any book the Biden administration (or before them, the Deep State) considered sensitive, would lose promotion or even its listing. The report cites “internal email” apparently from Amazon staff, complaining of “pressure” from “the Biden people.” This applied, according to the report, mainly to books challenging the coronavirus and vaccine narratives.

As was the case with Facebook’s Nick Clegg, Andy Slavitt got the blame for applying the “pressure.” If half the allegations about Slavitt are accurate, he imperiously did not care what Amazon’s customers wanted. And he wanted Amazon to stop caring as well.

But the report says absolutely nothing about any communication with Amazon’s Department (or Office) of General Counsel. And opf course the public is hearing about this only now, after Republicans took over the House.

The other half: collaboration

Indeed – as we have said many times – never once did either the full Committee or the Weaponization Subcommittee consider the guilt that might attach to these companies for willingly accepting unlawful orders. When does a willing slave become, not a slave, but a trusty? And a cynically motivated trusty at that? Could not Meta, Alphabet (Google and YouTube), and Amazon have a baser motive: to have the government cancel their opposition?

Amazon Web Services famously de-hosted the old Parler service after Donald Trump opened an account with them. They did so because they didn’t like Parler’s policies. Parler came back, all right – as a shell of its former self. It has never recovered.

But Elon Musk bought Twitter. Then, for months he fought one battle after another – with Amazon, Apple, Alphabet, and the European Union. His is a constant struggle to find advertisers who either don’t mind the controversies now playing out on Twitter (which he renamed X), or welcome the controversies. Sadly, a parallel economy takes time to build.

Meta has chosen to collaborate – and Alphabet and Amazon give every indication that they think they are the Deep State. Perhaps the real Deep State and their World Economic Forum masters find it convenient to let Alphabet and Amazon pretend. But pretenders or partners, they are definitely collaborators.

Bypassing the Censorship Industrial Complex

Andrew Torba knows all about the perils of relying on third parties. The Censorship Industrial Complex systematically chased him off one host after another, besides disallowing any true “app” he built. So he has built a completely independent infrastructure. Instead of building an app, he has made his site mobile-friendly, and provided browser shortcuts that require no maintenance. When conventional payment processors refused to handle his payments, he built his own processor! Today the Gab name stands, above all, for independence.

His only problem lies in identifying, as his enemies, a group of people who are not a collective enemy. Which is to say: the Jews. But at least he’s good enough to host Laura Loomer (who is Jewish), so he has some honor.

Dr. Steven Turley has come late to the realization that he must not rely on the Collaboration Axis. Alphabet (as YouTube) abruptly demonetized his channel – totally. Their first excuse was that his short videos – shorts they encouraged him to make! – showed copyrighted news footage with little original commentary. Take them down, they told him, and we’ll reconsider. So he took them down. Then they said, “Thanks; we’ll get back to you in a month.” Two weeks ago they gave him their answer: “No. Your channel is full of controversial content that harms our viewers.” Which is why he has expanded his separate Turley Talks social-media platform into a full-blown video server that directly supports livestreaming and chat.

Other alternative platforms include Rumble, BitChute, Odysee, and Brighteon.

What they have in common

These other platforms have this above all in common: they don’t cooperate, collude, or collaborate. They fight. It has cost many of them millions, but they fight. Even Elon Musk does not fight as hard as they. (Though he comes close! Yesterday he reinstated the account of one Nicholas J. Fuentes, an even more rabid antisemite than Torba. Influencers everywhere virtually asked him Whiskey Tango Foxtrot did he think he was doing. He said it was better to have even toxic ideologies out in the open, than hidden in dark alleys.)

More to the point, Jim Jordan’s Committee and Subcommittee leave out a vital part of the Censorship Industrial Complex story. Jordan could and should have called Andrew Torba and Dr. Steve Turley as witnesses. Those two did more than complain; they did something about it.

Decades ago, the late Ayn Rand lamented that Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wisc.) and the House Un-American Activities Committee concentrated on ferreting out a conspiracy – with no attention to combating bad ideas, or improving the government’s own structure. So it is with Jim Jordan’s committees. If “weaponization of the federal government” is the problem, why not concentrate on disarming it? Why should anyone depend on a cartel of any kind, for telecommunications, sales and service, or the like? Matt Taibbi and Mike Shellenberger taught us much about the evils of censorship. But Andrew Torba and Steven Turley can teach us how to fight it. As they do all the time.

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Trump changes demographic rules

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Latest Trump advantages

Independent journalist Alicia Powe, in a special to The Gateway Pundit, shared results of the latest poll summary by The New York Times. Polling in six “battleground” States (Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Michigan, Georgia and Nevada) shows Trump leading in every State but Wisconsin. Worse, his leads in Georgia and Nevada are so far apart that even the error bars do not overlap. “Margins of error” properly figure in extending “error bars” above and below the results on a number line. The overlap in Wisconsin is so severe that the two candidates might as well be tied. That also holds in Pennsylvania, where each error bar overlaps the other result. In Arizona and Michigan the overlap is not even that long.

The Georgia result is most telling, because that is where the District Attorney of Fulton County is trying Trump for trying to steal the Election of 2020, gangland style. (That case is effectively on hold, because DA Fani Willis has problems of her own.) And Nevada? Biden took Nevada, too. Nor has this anything to do with scattered votes by County Boards of Elections to switch to hand-counted paper ballots. (Although Georgia has a federal case pending by leftists who accuse Dominion Voting Services of gimmicking an election they lost!) This shows that “Resident” Joe Biden has lost his cheater’s baseline. If you’re going to stuff the ballot box, you need a baseline to get you close enough for that to work. For Biden in 2024, that might not work.

Losing key demographics

Next question: why is the “Resident” losing his baseline? Because the young and the nonwhites are deserting him. Nate Cohn, author of the Times piece, noticed that young, Black and Hispanic voters are all asking: what have you done for us lately? The young (and foolish) have a few foolish ideas about things that shouldn’t concern them directly, things about which the elites have lied to them. (Like “The globe is warming, the globe is warming!”) But Blacks and Hispanics especially know that Biden has made things worse, not better. Mike LaChance, a regular at The Gateway Pundit, notes their biggest complaint: inflation. That is so bad that even the fast food joints are jacking up their prices to traditional sit-down restaurant levels. (Many, like Red Lobster, are throwing in the towel completely.)

LaChance cited The Washington Examiner, which gave further details he did not quote. Blacks don’t appreciate the “gender bender thing,” specifically the gutting of the Title IX protections for women in sports. Nor do they appreciate the rank antisemitism on college campuses. If that doesn’t directly concern Blacks, it does concern Jews – and rightly so. But what likely shocks the Democrats is that the Blacks haven’t drawn the moral. Antisemitic conspiracy theories have long been a staple of leftist outreach to Blacks. Now it’s not working anymore.

“Latinx” is a jinx!

The baseline in the Hispanic community was always less than that in the Black community, and now it’s lesser still. Democrats should have thought of that when they embraced a new name no Latin uses today: “Latinx” (rhymes with Kleenex®). As it turns out, “Latinx” symbolizes gender bending, and Hispanics like that even less than Blacks do. Someone forgot to tell the Left that Blacks and Hispanics place family high in their priorities. But of course the Affluent White Female Urban Liberals – those AWFUL people – seek to destroy the family. Everybody knows it, because the AWFULs didn’t even bother to hide it. Like Balaam (Numbers chh. 22-24), they can’t shut up even when they should.

If Donald Trump were half the polarizing figure the Left says he is, one would expect members of these demographics to stay home on Election Day and sit on their hands. Sorry, Left, but no joy on that one. They intend to vote for Donald Trump. One expects to see that among married women, for after all, they follow their husbands, with whom they are simpatico. But now one sees it in college-educated women. That has to hurt.

Worse yet, Brock McCleary, Vice-President of Polling for Cygnal, told the Examiner that these voters express nostalgia. Nostalgia, by definition, means knowing that things were better in the old days. And who was running things in the old days? Trump! So they want him back – as any reasonable person would.

Accusing the Times of bias toward Trump?

Pundits on the left are already crying, “FOUUUUUUUUUUUULLLLLLLLLL!” Oliver Darcy, who inherited CNN’s Reliable Sources from Brian Stelter, actually said, two and a half months ago, that The New York Times was being soft on Trump and too hard on Biden. Apparently the Times published a poll finding that most who voted for Biden now say he is too old. A journalism professor at City University of New York’s journalism school was apoplectic.

That they even asked this question is evidence of the bias — the agenda — in their poll. Who made age an “issue”? The credulous Times falling into the right-wing’s projection. This is not journalism. Shameful. NY Times, did you ask your random voters whether Trump is too insane, doddering, racist, sexist, criminal, traitorous, hateful to be effective as President? This is not a poll. It is your agenda.

And that, is a pity party. How the Times finally came to see reason, CNAV will not speculate. But no one can deny that the “Resident” is too old. He can’t deliver a speech without being pumped full of amphetamines. (Which is why Wayne Allen Root, assistant editor at The Gateway Pundit, advises Trump to insist on a drug test for The Resident before debating him.) The accusations against Trump are worse than specious. Trump is loyal to the United States. Biden and his handlers are the traitors, conspiring to hand this nation over to a mad scientist who looks like Telly Savalas portraying Ernst Stavro Blofeld in On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969). (And sounds like him, too, except that Klaus Schwab’s accent is German, not Greek.)

Darcy himself contributed to the chorus, talking about how to cover “Trump and [his] ongoing threats to American democracy.” First, “democracy” is two wolves and a lamb voting on what’s for dinner. Second, advocates of “lawsuit abuse” can’t complain about “threats to democracy.”

Admitting a real problem

But according to Ms. Powe, some leftists have admitted that they have a real problem. They’re not contesting these numbers, as the Times critics seem to be doing. Some seem to blame the Left’s constituents, whom they describe as “confused.” But others choose to blame the Biden administration and the Democratic Party for not sending the right message. Powe quotes Jim Kessler, co-founder of Third Way:

With the usual stipulations about polls six months out, Biden is behind. They need to be in a better place on the border, crime and inflation to win. They have a story to tell on each and further actions they can take, but need to get cracking.

That’s not going to fly, either. The problem is not with the message but with the policies. “A story to tell” on “the border, crime and inflation”? CNAV can just imagine. On the border: “The oppressed classes of the world have risen up to replace their oppressors by taking over the chief means of oppression: American elections.” On crime: “A thief is an irregular wealth-redistribution agent, and a murderer is an irregular surplus population thinner.” And on inflation: “There is no inflation. There are only spoilsport greedy corporations raking in record profits by starving the masses.” In fact, Neil Cavuto yesterday thumped Biden for actually saying inflation was at nine percent when he took office. Everyone knows that inflation was at less than two percent then.

Wayne Allen Root took time yesterday to illustrate a worse problem. Democrats, he says, love to compare Trump to Adolf Hitler. But their policies have mirrored Hitler’s in many ways, from vax mandates to censorship to the weaponization of the executive and judicial branches. They have a problem, all right – but will never admit it.

Looking forward

As Trump did by campaigning in New York and New Jersey, he is breaking all the traditional campaign rules. “Stick to your own kind!” cries Anita to Maria in West Side Story. And for decades politicians did just that. That’s how the Grand Leftist Coalition could hold together so many disparate groups.

Trump broke that rule, and discovered something everyone else missed. Even groups have individuals making them up. Those individuals do not put food into a collective mouth, nor digest it in a collective stomach. Nor do they have a collective wallet. Trump shows theses individuals that he sees what’s happening, and sympathizes. Those same individuals look at the Resident, and – what do they see? At best, a doddering old goat with a shuffling gait, who mumbles half the time and screams the rest. And at worst, a vindictive old con artist.

And when Trump had his mug shot taken in Atlanta, and released that, many Blacks greeted him with “Hi, jailbird!” That’s a lodge greeting, and Blacks especially are welcoming Trump into their lodge.

The Democrats noticed that – then forgot about it. That’s why Donald Trump will win – so long as Republicans remember the Precinct Strategy and implement both parts of it. Including becoming both accredited Party polling-place challengers, and Officers of Election.

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Who is Valentina Gomez?

Four days ago, a candidate in a very crowded primary field decided to make a big splash. She jogged down a street in a known Alphabet Soup neighborhood – wearing a flak vest. In an eleven-second video she said, “Don’t be weak and gay,” among other things. This is the latest in a series of publicity stunts that detractors are already calling outrageous. But few seem to be asking this important question: who is Valentina Gomez? Does she really represent the kind of candidate to take America by storm with nationalistic populism? Or is she a mere flash in the pan, a lump of iron sulfite of the kind that has fooled prospectors for centuries? Her record – a child-prodigal record – seems incredible. But some diligent searching – from an unbiased search engine – allows interested people to check that record out, and verify it.

Valentina Gomez – early life

On her campaign website Valentina Gomez says she is a first-generation American, whose family are (legal) immigrants from Colombia. Her resume boasts an impressive record of achievement – for a young lady of 24. “Real estate investor, financier, strategist, [and] former NCAA Division I swimmer,” it says. Later it says she earned her MBA in Finance and Strategy from Tulane University – at the age of 22.

Fortunately, a record does exist that seems to bear this out. Tulane University does show a Valentina Gomez on the swim team in the 2019-20 academic year. Her athletic record is impressive, going back to high school. In that record we get the first clue to her origin. She was born in Colombia, and was on the national Colombian swim team before her migration. That alone suggests a question: how did she and her family make it out? Colombia isn’t quite the Iron Curtain-style Communist dictatorship that used to fence its people in, but it’s close.

Her class photograph shows a young woman who bleached her brown hair (one can see the roots). Sometime after she posed for that photograph, she dropped that affectation and let her hair grow back out brown.

Fleshing out her record

The U.S. Sun has done some more checking on her since that campaign clip came out. Assuming they did their due diligence, they paint a portrait of a genuine child, or at least adolescent, prodigy. In fact she sounds like one of those rare young adults who carried “advance placement” (and standing) to a new level:

  • Born May 8, 1999 – which would make her 25, not 24 today.

  • Attended Hudson Catholic School in Jersey City, N.J., where she was a national qualifier in women’s swimming as a junior. (That comes from her Tulane page.)

  • Attended Central Connecticut State University’s School of Business from 2016 to 2019; majored in finance and financial management services.

  • Enrolled immediately in the A. B. Freeman School of Business at Tulane University; received her MBA in 2021. (And she did specialize in finance and financial strategy.) This directly corroborates a line item on her web site.

  • Children’s swim coach for Special Olympics since 2016.

Beyond that, one’s hobbies can tell a great deal about one’s personality. Valentina Gomez enjoys riding All-terrain Vehicles (ATVs) and carrying long guns. This Instagram page provides these clues. (See also her Instagram account – but note that more than one Valentina Gomez exists!) She also has accounts on X, Facebook, and LinkedIn.

Possible inconsistency?

One item has proved difficult to check out: she asserts that she and Jonathan Gomez Noriega co-founded Fundacion Flor de Mayo. The Institute for Global Politics has a biography of Gomez Noriega – listing him as founder of Fundacion Flor de Mayo. That biography does not mention Valentina Gomez at all. But this page at College of William and Mary does mention Valentina as Jonathan’s younger sister. And, like Valentina, Jonathan is a college swimmer. A family photograph showing Valentina is consistent with her more current photographs – though with no trace of her bleaching of her hair while she was at Tulane.

After she got her degree, she says she became a real-estate investor. In fact, the GRI Club, which is a real-estate investment firm specializing in Latin American properties, has a biography of her. So that part of her story “checks out,” too.

Note: the results of this inquiry came from Result Hunter, which remains today the least biased and “cleanest” search engine.

Secretary of State office and competition

The Missouri Department of State has four primary missions:

  • Election oversight,

  • Business registrations,

  • “investor protection” (equivalent to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission), and

  • Managing the Missouri State Library.

John R. “Jay” Ashcroft has been Secretary of State for eight years. He is now running for governor, which leaves the position open.

Ballotpedia lists eleven candidates – three Democrat and eight Republican – seeking that position. Missouri holds its primary very late – on August 6. Valentina Gomez is one of the eight Republican candidates. She and Democrat Monique Williams are the only two to fill out Ballotpedia’s Candidate Connection Survey.

Monique Williams emphasizes her age (63; met Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. at 7 in 1968 shortly before his assassination) and (for today) typical Democrat identify politics. From her answers on the Key Messages and Personal Passions questions on the survey, one can infer her acceptance of:

  • Critical theory, especially radical feminism, Alphabet Soup primacy, and abortion on demand. (“Reproductive freedom” is a buzzword for abortion on demand at any stage.)

  • Typical Democratic election talking points – voter suppression, “Republican gerrymandering,” etc.

  • Labor relations – assuming that the employer is always evil.

One other entry looks exactly like code:

I support libraries and programs that foster education and reading skills.

Libraries are an area of the Missouri State Department’s responsibilities. But that statement, coupled with her “passion” for “gender equality,” sounds like a plump for Alphabet Soup recruitment books.

Valentina Gomez as a candidate

Valentina Gomez has a problem – standing out in a crowd of eight, just to get the nomination. She completed the Candidate Connection Survey a year earlier than required – 2023. Her Key Messages answers seem almost overly general: “Make Missouri Great Again,” “Exposing Corruption,” and “Time for Honesty.” She used her Personal Passions answer to set forth her positions. Among these:

  • Re-evaluate the State Department’s budget and current contracts, obviously looking for savings.

  • Business-friendly tax and regulatory reform – by, among other things, eliminating the income tax. (That, of course, would require an act of the legislature.)

  • Redesign the Secretary of State’s website for forthright advocacy of “capitalism, modernization, and innovation.” That might be a carryover from her family’s experiences in a country that is Communist in all but name.

She listed two more Personal Passions that she must know will create the greatest controversy. One, she lists as “Voting machines, Voter ID.” In fact she wants to eliminate electronic voting machines, and:

return to a secure, transparent paper-based system, addressing concerns of cyber threats, and manipulation.

That last comes from her campaign website’s position page. Eliminating electronic voting machines would be most consistent with paper ballots with hand counting. Her staff would do well to study the French election process, which features hand-counted paper ballots and proxy voting. Instead of sending or carrying in an absentee ballot, a voter nominates a proxy to vote in his stead. Both persons then pre-register at a local police station or courthouse.

Sharpest controversies

Her most controversial recommendation on election integrity is to deploy the National Guard to guard voting precincts. To this correspondent’s knowledge as a three-year Officer of Election, no American precinct does that. (But Precinct Chiefs always train on summoning emergency aid, and rehearsing code phrases if someone shows up bent on violence.)

Her last Personal Passion entry might be more controversial still:

Remove gender ideologies from Libraries, School Curriculums and programs for the youth of Missouri, while backing our Police, Fire and EMS Departments.

To illustrate that point, in February she cut an ad in which she stacked two Alphabet Soup books on a small metal table. She then stood off from that table – with a flamethrower, which she fired at the stack.

Shades of Oskar Werner, as Guy Montag, in the opening sequence of Francois Truffaut’s adaptation of Ray Bradbury’s Fahrenheit 451!


Six days later she cut another ad, in which, with some clever montage, she said:

From the bottom of my heart, I apologize to … ABSOLUTELY NOBODY!

This is only one issue out of many that she emphasizes in the most forthright manner one can imagine. Jordan Conradson at The Gateway Pundit has several embedded in his own report. Here is the video that got the attention over the weekend:


Actually Valentina Gomez has two problems. In addition to standing out in a crowd of eight, she will likely run against a woman old enough to be her mother in November. All women worry about their ages, but Ms. Gomez worries about people thinking her too young, not too old. English speakers have borrowed a word from ancient Rome: gravitas, or the seriousness with which a person treats, or can treat, a subject that requires serious treatment. Comparisons of her with Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) will be inevitable, especially if she wins the primary.

But “AOC” tended bar and poured expensive coffee drinks in a bar featuring the logo of a woman with long blonde hair. At that stage of her life, Valentina Gomez has made names for herself in business and charity. (And also earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees.)

Nevertheless, she needs to stand out and show that she can “take it.” So she has chosen a style of campaigning called “throw it back in their faces.” Consistent with that, she has chosen radical ideas, most of which CNAV supports. (The demonstration of actual physical book burning is certainly an exaggeration. She won’t burn books, but she will remove them – from the sort of library a child would frequent.

Every other Republican would chip at the edges of the status quo. Valentina Gomez says she will do a full job. Missourians could do worse for a Secretary of State – but surely Valentina Gomez knows: she has to show them.

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Peter Daszak finally gets his!

The notorious Peter Daszak (DAAH-shack), Ph.D., seems to be getting his just desserts at last. Republican Members of Congress have been investigating him and his EcoHealth Alliance (EHA) for four years. Now the Department of Health and Human Services has suspended the EcoHealth Alliance from receiving federal funding. Indeed they have started proceedings to debar EHA from receiving any more federal funds. Translation: Peter Daszak has become a political liability, now that principled Republicans in Congress have shone light on his doings. The Biden administration, needing to remove the liability – or perhaps merely to punish him for mission failure – has elected to throw him under the proverbial bus. Or so they say.

Peter Daszak in CNAV archives

Regular readers of this site – and alert listeners to the site’s companion Rumble channel, Declarations of Truth – will recall our mentioning Peter Daszak yesterday.

More to the point, Peter Daszak has borne mention several times, most infamously in connection with the gain-of-function research that helped create Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Corona Virus Strain 2 – SARS-CoV-2 – the agent of Corona Virus Disease of 2019 (COVID-19). Paul Ehrlich (The Population Bomb) wanted “the right virus” to diminish the (to him) dangerously surplus population. The never-properly-identified sculptor of the Georgia Guidestones wanted to limit the population of Earth to 500 million. Peter Daszak worked on that “right virus” to do just that.

This afternoon, Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit dropped a comprehensive report on HHS’ suspension and debarment proceedings against Daszak. Hoft also mentioned information in his own archives, about a connection between EcoHealth and Metabiota. That firm has Hunter Biden’s name on it. Dr. Andrew Huff, former Vice-President of EcoHealth Alliance, claimed evidence that SARS-CoV-2 originated in a laboratory. Huff named the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV). But he also said EcoHealth and Metabiota were jointly operating biological weapons development facilities having CIA funding. These included the laboratories in Ukraine that Russian “Special Military Operation” forces discovered and shut down. Laboratories with American funding – under American direction – with American staffs.

A House select subcommittee acts

In 2023 – shortly after Republicans “flipped” the House in the 2022 Midterms – the House Oversight Committee established its Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, or “COVIDSelect” as it designates itself on X. This morning that Subcommittee dropped this short thread:

On May 1, COVIDSelect released a final report of its investigation of Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance, Inc. They referred to a specific grant by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease: R01AI110964 – “Understanding the Risk of Bat Coronavirus Emergence.” Note that Anthony S. Fauci, M.D. headed the NIAID – and that was his only permanent title in federal government service.

The Committee reported five interim findings:

Finding 1: EcoHealth submitted its Year 5 Report nearly two years late. Further, EcoHealth’s claim that it was locked out of an NIH system and blocked from submitting the report on time is not supported by the evidence.
Finding 2: EcoHealth violated its grant terms and conditions by failing to report a potentially dangerous experiment conducted by the WIV.
Finding 3: EcoHealth used taxpayer dollars to facilitate gain-of-function research on coronaviruses in Wuhan at the WIV, contrary to previous public statements, including those by Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Finding 4: NIH may not have known about EcoHealth’s actions without proper intervention by former-President Donald Trump and former-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows. Further, despite suggestions of political persecution against EcoHealth, career NIH leadership supported every compliance action taken.
Finding 5: While negotiating the reinstatement of the grant, Dr. Daszak omitted the material fact that unanalyzed samples and sequences—that the U.S. paid for—are in the custody and control of the WIV. This omission was taken as fact by NIAID and NIAID took no steps to verify the actual location of the sequences and samples. If Dr. Daszak had not made this omission it would have provoked questions from NIAID regarding EcoHealth’s ability to fulfill the aims of the reinstated grant. Finally, as a result of Dr. Daszak affirmations, NIH is currently violating the terms of the debarment of the WIV.

That reinstatement happened in 2023, during the Biden administration. Dr. Fauci retired from the NIAID and all government service in December 2022. So technically the NIAID was under new leadership. But in another sense it was under the old leadership of “Resident” Biden. Rep. Brad Wenstrup (R-Ohio), Chairman of the Subcommittee, has curiously come down hard – and exclusively – on Peter Daszak and EcoHealth. HHS has called for “a government-wide suspension of U.S. taxpayer funds to EcoHealth – including a hold on all active grants.” That could be an independent decision – or part of an unannounced agreement with the Chairman.

House Oversight also released HHS’ letter to Peter Daszak, and an Action Referral Memorandum by Henrietta Katrina Brisbon, Deputy Secretary of Health and Human Services for Acquisitions.

HHS states its grounds to suspend Peter Daszak

Deputy Secretary Brisbon set forth several grounds for the suspension and debarment action, all striking at the heart of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Technically, an experiment at WIV demonstrated a result consistent with gain of function. That, said Brisbon, was

in violation of the terms of the grant. The NIH gave EHA and WIV several opportunities to disprove this finding, but EHA and WIV failed to do so.

Jim Hoft summarized HHS’ expressed concern thus:

Peter Daszak’s organization is accused of not only failing to adhere to the terms of their grant but also of not providing essential documentation regarding their research with the Wuhan Institute. This has led to serious doubts about the organization’s capability to handle projects that involve pathogens of pandemic potential.

Indeed Deputy Secretary Brisbon called the suspension “necessary to protect the public interest.”

But the obvious question then arises: what took them so long? Recall: CNAV reported on this activity two years and eight months ago. This scandal broke in September of 2021. But of course, Democrats controlled Congress then. So why didn’t anyone take action after Congress reconvened after Midterms? Mightn’t someone need to ask former Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), then Speaker of the House?

This matter has the foul odor of political compromise about it. Chairman Wenstrup would appear to be leaving the NIH and NIAID an “out” to sacrifice Peter Daszak and save both the institutional skins of those agencies, and the personal skins of their present (immediate) leadership. Obviously Peter Daszak is a liability. Equally obviously, recent polls (from The New York Times and Siena College, no less!) have spooked the Biden administration. Less obviously, Chairman Wenstrup has decided to let career officials at NIAID, NIH and HHS off the hook.

Chairman Wenstrup issued this statement, again unilaterally charging Peter Daszak with everything:

EcoHealth facilitated gain-of-function research in Wuhan, China without proper oversight, willingly violated multiple requirements of its multimillion-dollar National Institutes of Health grant, and apparently made false statements to the NIH. These actions are wholly abhorrent, indefensible, and must be addressed with swift action.


We will hold EcoHealth accountable for any waste, fraud, and abuse and are committed to uncovering any illegal activity, including lying to Congress, NIH, or the Inspector General.

But who will hold the executive branch accountable?

That becomes the operative question. The COVIDSelect Report cagily says that “career NIH leadership” signed off on all actions against Peter Daszak and EcoHealth. Evidently Daszak is crying “political persecution.” And he might be correct, though not in the usual sense. CNAV does not doubt his guilt, nor that of EcoHealth. But the relationship began when Dr. Fauci ran the NIAID, and continued until Dr. Fauci stepped down. Who else is guilty, and why won’t COVIDSelect investigate any further than EcoHealth? Clearly HHS is throwing Daszak and EcoHealth under the bus – and COVIDSelect is letting them “skate.”

That’s unacceptable. Everyone who is responsible, should pay for their roles in treason, and a crime against humanity. That demonstrably includes at least some officials at NIAID and NIH – and could include some Members of Congress.

Donald Trump should surely add this to his job jar, assuming that patriotic Americans can return him to office and prevent a repeat of the fraud that knocked him out of office three and a half years ago.

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