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Civil war (2024) – an incomplete prediction
April 20, 2024
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Herewith a review of Civil War, writ./dir. Alex Garland. With Kirsten Dunst, Wagner Moura, Calleee Spaeny, Stephen McKinley Henderson, Nick Offerman, et al. A24 and DNA Films, 2024. (Follow the link at the Internet Movie Database.)

Civil war – a mere snapshot

In an hour and forty-nine minutes of his film Civil War, Alex Garland provides only a snapshot of a civil war that could break out across the United States. Its main characters are journalists, including some striking out on their own, and others embedded with rebel forces. Never once does Garland provide any kind of backstory. A good writer, as author Nancy Rue once explained to this reviewer, Resists the Urge to Explain. But Garland refuses to explain. Perhaps he has an important reason: any explanation he gave would alienate half his audience. (Furthermore his sympathies are necessarily obscure, for he is not American at all, but English. What he would do either with the American War for Independence or the War Between the States, one can’t imagine.)

Garland practices his deliberate ambiguity as his film begins, with his apparent casting guide for a President. Nick Offerman has the face of Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.), an exaggerated flab suggesting a distorted picture of Donald J. Trump, and the reckless disregard for the truth of any of “Resident” Joe Biden’s press secretaries or their deputies. And (spoiler alert) he acquits himself very poorly as soldiers of the Western Forces summarily execute him. When an ad hoc embedded journalist asks him for his last words, all he can manage is a pathetic “Don’t let them kill me.”

But how did he come to that pass? Why would elements even of a rebel faction execute him summarily? Garland’s film doesn’t say.

What one can infer

Garland refuses to tell anybody how his Civil War started, or why it ends as it does. So every viewer must infer the causes of the civil war, and explain for himself several things that defy explanation. This reviewer does not speak here of Kirsten Dunst using an oversize zoom lens to photograph various combatants. (Other reviewers, more knowledgeable about photography, have explained the incongruity of that zoom lens, apparently appropriate for African safaris.) Consider, rather, the spectacle of the treatment of “The Press.” Apparently the premier press agency left in the world today is Reuters. Has the war destroyed the Associated Press, United Press International, The New York Times, The Washington Post, et al.? As ever, Garland never says.

But Reuters seems to enjoy universal respect. The film follows a crew of Reuters journalists who strike out on their own, driving from New York City to Washington, D.C., by a roundabout route. An obviously renegade militia engaged in mass murder and mass burial, murders one of them. They also murder two more journalists the first crew runs into along the way. And allegedly, loyalist forces shoot journalists on sight. But every other military organization they encounter carefully avoids wounding them, and lets them document whatever they like. The victorious Western Forces especially brag what they intend to do to the President, and want them to capture their triumph for posterity.

What are the warring factions?

From the obvious Lord Haw-Haw-esque empty boast of the President, and how one journalist rehearses the interview he wants to have with him, the viewer can infer this much. The President (whose name never bears mention) insisted on staying in office for a third term. (How did he get enough States to appoint 270 Electors willing to vote for him, despite Amendment XXII? Garland doesn’t say.) Several States took exception to that and formed three secessionist alliances. (See this detailed discussion.) Of these, the Florida Alliance seems to fold first. But two States – California and Texas – secede early and form a coalition which they call the Western Forces. These are the best-equipped, most disciplined faction, and must have a general to match Robert E. Lee in his brilliance. Their flag is brutally simple: thirteen red and white stripes, and two large white stars on a blue union.

Beyond those two rebel factions are, of course, the States remaining loyal to Washington, D.C., and the unnamed President. (A New People’s Army Alliance also exists, consisting mainly of the “woke” States from Washington to Minnesota.)

Why do California and Texas secede? Again, from the journalist rehearsal, we hear that the President imposed martial law and even ordered airstrikes against some populations. But why and how would California and Texas ever combine to form the most effective fighting force?

The American economy has collapsed, except for one town whose residents “stay out of it.” How? The film doesn’t say.

How might the Civil War have broken out?

So here is what this reviewer infers, from the “President Haw-Haw” speech, the interview rehearsals, and the journalists’ travels. A future President – which could be an out-of-shape Gavin Newsom – serves two terms, then tries to serve a third. At some point in the process, he committed certain unconstitutional acts. (Abolishing the FBI would not be one of them; in fact this reviewer maintains the Constitution requires that.) And before the final break occurred, California had a civil war of its own. Militias in the California counties east of the San Andreas Fault Line banded together and marched against Sacramento, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego – the centers of population and power in California today. Once they took over, they would proclaim a Republic of California. Their immediate provocation would be the refusal of the President to control immigration.

The Eastern Californians might, or might not, have taken inspiration from the people of Texas. Texas did pass a Texas Independence Referendum Act. That referendum – in which elements of the Texas State Guard hand-counted paper ballots – returned a Yes vote. Subsequently the Texas Legislative Joint Select Committee on Texas Independence recommended a flat-out declaration of secession. Perhaps the President provoked Texas, first by stealing the Election of 2024 (with the aid of the electronic voting-machine vendors’ association) and then by issuing an Executive Order setting all immigration laws at naught. (Or else a federal judge follows up on his preliminary injunction and declares an absolute right of immigration.)

First blood

In any event, Texas and a newly conservative California would declare independence in rapid succession. Then perhaps the President would invoke the National Popular Vote Compact. He would need, not 270 electoral votes, but 223 – one more than half of a 444-member Electoral College. By then the NPVC would “kick in” with the departure of California and Texas. With those “votes,” the President would claim a third term. Then when most career Inspectors and Special Agents of the FBI quit in protest, he would abolish the agency.

Then he would call airstrikes against Texas and California cities. That would enrage both populations, who would then form a special Western Alliance. Their forces, marching under the Two-star Flag, would consist of:

  • Elements of the California and Texas Army and Air National Guards, who would resign to become State Guardsmen,

  • Elements of the U.S. Army, Navy and Air Force who would sign on with the Western Forces, in outrage over the President’s conduct, and

  • Such equipment, supplies, and other materiel as these military forces could seize.

This equipment would consist of large numbers of:

  • Highly Mobile Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles (Humvees),

  • Apache helicopter gunships, and

  • Chinook “flying banana” helicopter troop carriers (the ones with the twin counter-rotating main rotors).

They might also consist of A-10 Thunderbolts, F-15 Strike Eagles, and MV-22 Ospreys (not shown).

Separately, the Florida Alliance would form “before they hit us next.” “Progressive” Californians would join fellow leftists as the New People’s Army.

The brunt of the attacks

Exactly who would make airstrikes against Interstate Highways 81, 78, and/or 76, leaving burned-out cars for those journalists to drive around, is not clear. What is clear is that pockets of neutrality would exist, chiefly in the Appalachian Mountains. (The journalists stop in one such town which maintains an eerie normalcy, shutting out the turmoil beyond the town limits.) Alaska would remain carefully neutral – though a Russian incursion to reclaim it would be far more likely. Hawaii (which the film does not treat) would reinstate its independent Kingdom under the House of Kawānanakoa (“Queen Lil”’s cousins).

Whoever bombed the Interstates, would also bomb New York City. Again, the identity of that force is never made clear. But given that elements of the United States Military “shoot journalists on sight,” perhaps the President’s loyal military is bombing its own people.

A President who does that would be, quite simply, insane. That could explain why the Western Forces, when they finally capture Washington, D.C., summarily execute the President. But this is the least congruous development in this story. Texans, no matter how provoked, would not summarily execute a captured enemy leader. They would try him first, as publicly as possible, to demonstrate the justice of their cause and their acts.

The crazy militiamen who execute two journalists who fall into their toils do have an historical analogue: Quantrill’s Raiders. Their leader, of course, was William Clarke Quantrill, the Butcher of Lawrence, Kansas.

Plausibility of the Civil War scenario

Most reviewers have heaped scorn on the traveling journalists, asking how such embedding as the film depicts, is plausible. But recall: the United States Army refuses all embeds and even executes journalists summarily. (As does the hot-pink-glasses-wearing Quantrill imitator.) The Western Forces welcome journalists, in supreme confidence in the justice of their cause.

The widely circulated map (apparently an official poster)

showing Idaho within New People’s Army territory begs explanation. More likely, a Greater Idaho Militia would break the back of the NPA and perhaps welcome Western Forces intervention. The same holds for the Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming, and Utah. (Labeling the region “Western Forces” is misleading.)

The spectacle of the journalists having to offer $300 Canadian, not U.S., to buy precious gasoline might seem jarring. But in a civil war scenario, the Federal Reserve would be dead. “Not worth a Fed” might become as common a proverb as “Not worth a Continental” was during the American Revolution.

Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM)head Dan Miller, in his review of the film,

speculates that 44 percent of the U.S. military would mutiny after the first airstrike order. If all those soldiers joined the Western Forces, that could explain how they are so powerful and well-equipped. Furthermore, in real life, the U.S. military is not meeting its recruitment quotas. For that, blame the Alphabet Soup implementation, and the God-awful spectacle of Admiral Richard “Rachel” Levine, Assistant Secretary for Health.

Implausible suggestions

A few legacy media reviewers have made other suggestions that are, frankly, absurd. The unnamed President is not “Trumpian,” to reply to the movie critic from The New York Times. Donald Trump is on record as saying the only reason Texas would not secede is that “they love me.” Dan Miller has said that Trump’s main flaw is that he is one man alone, trying to reform the un-reform-able. A stolen election – the only way for any Democrat to win in 2024 – would provoke Texas to hold its Referendum. Then again, The New York Times has committed itself to promoting false narratives of current events. That this would affect the quality of their movie reviews, is only logical to suppose.

On the other hand, the Civil War movie cannot “normalize” the assassination of a President. Then again, that speaks to the worst flaw in this movie. The forces of General Sam Houston, at the Battle of San Jacinto, captured Mexican Presidente Santa Ana in his camp. (In fact he was in the sleeping bag with a field whore.) Sam Houston did not order Santa Ana’s execution; instead he forced his prisoner to sign off on Texas independence. Similarly, the Western Forces, under Texas leadership, would capture, not kill, the President. They then would try him publicly – and, if the U.S. armed forces suffered another mutiny (in addition to the one that plumped up the Western Forces), turn the President over to the mutineers.


CNAV gives this movie two and a half stars out of five. It suffers from its maker’s refusal to provide a backstory – though the backstory some critics tried to foist on it would have been an order of magnitude worse. The final sequence is over-the-top; any student of Texas history would have known why. But the film’s “canon” lets the viewer fill in an eminently plausible backstory that follows logically from current events.

Aside from oversize zoom lenses, the journalists – often letting their ambitions negate common sense – are believable. So is the Lord Haw-Haw style Presidential briefing. Any Japanese will recognize the victory announcements getting ever closer to home, until finally … Hiroshima. Or, if one prefers, Adolf Hitler executing himself in Der Bunker.

So are the horrors of war the film shows, and the almost desperate attempt by some to carry on as “normal.” The only problem is that the war would destroy any supply chain, making such normalcy impossible. (Unless the townsfolk returned to cottage industries, including spinning and sewing.)

Aside from the willful ignorance of Texas history and tradition, even the summary execution of a renegade President is believable. Witness the executions of Benito Mussolini and his mistress – or Nicolae Ceaucescu and his wife.

Alex Garland made the film only because some kind of civil war scenario is more likely now than ever before. See it while it is still fiction, like 1959’s On the Beach? More likely, see it and be careful what you wish for.

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Censorship Industrial Complex redux

Two days ago a key House subcommittee released a massive (881 pages!) report on social-media censorship in America. This subcommittee used the phrase Censorship Industrial Complex, a phrase they likely borrowed from Matt Taibbi, a star witness. But this report tells only half the story. That half perhaps is the half that would concern citizen legislators the more: the carrots and sticks the government used to threaten and otherwise coerce and induce various social-media companies to do their bidding. But they leave out the other half: why would these social-media companies give the White House the time of day? Why do they leave the redemption of social media to an eccentric billionaire, and an inveterate antisemitic conspiracy theorist? The answer could lie in Founding Father Benjamin Franklin’s characterization of politics as “the art of the possible.”

The Censorship Industrial Complex concept

Fourteen months ago, Matt Taibbi released his thread describing the Censorship Industrial Complex. On the day before (March 9, 2023), he and Mike Shellenberger had testified before the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. Regular readers will remember that Del. Stacy Plaskett (D-U.S.V.I.) called those men “direct threats to all who disagree with him.” Subcommittee (and Committee) Chairman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) struck this prize example of projection from the record.

Even then, Taibbi accused Twitter of acting “more like a partner to government.” In fact he traced the activities of the Censorship Industrial Complex to 2020. That makes Twitter – the old Twitter, that is, before Elon Musk bought the company – guilty of election interference. Coercion is not the word for a company who puts in place the administration responsible for giving it unlawful orders. Collaboration is the real operative word.

An argument that didn’t work for William Calley at My Lai; an argument that didn’t work for the Nazis at Nuremberg.

Actor Kevin Pollack, as Lt. (jg) Sam Weinberg USNR, in A Few Good Men (1992)

True enough, the orders came in 2020 from government agencies. Remember: the Deep State consists of hangers-on, “civil servants,” and putative law-enforcement agents who collectively act like a law unto themselves. The FBI and CIA were parts and parcels of this illicit process. And some of the user accounts they targeted, were telling obvious lies – like saying the election was postponed for a day. But how do we know the Deep State didn’t salt Twitter with those accounts? Why can’t that be yet another false-flag pseudo-operation?

Their real mission

Aaron Maté of Real Clear Investigations has definitively shown that Presidents Obama and Biden ran a secret war against Russia. They’re still running it, with Ukraine as their proxy, pawn, and money laundry. During the Trump years, the Deep State kept this war going and plotted to oust Trump at the earliest opportunity. But any tyrant running a war for his own twisted gain must employ censorship to hide the truth. So it is with this Censorship Industrial Complex. That’s why the Deep State gave Twitter Trust and Safety (“The Moderators”) the convenient fiction that Russia was running a sophisticated operation to wage an information (meaning a propaganda) war against the United States, and give (purely verbal and moral) aid and comfort to the putative enemy of the United States, the Russian Federation.

The Framers of the Constitution knew that, if they weren’t careful, a would-be tyrant would accuse his opponents of treason. But they might not have anticipated the degree to which the modern tyrants Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, and their minions would stretch the definition they gave. “To levy war” means to fight a kinetic war, with kinetic weapons. “Aid and comfort” must mean more than mere speech, because the First Amendment guarantees complete freedom of speech. Nevertheless we see the real mission of the Censorship Industrial Complex. And that is to continue its proxy war against Russia, and smear its opposition with a false attainder of treason.

Latest Censorship Industrial Complex report

Now the Weaponization Subcommittee has released a very large PDF file – too large for CNAV to host directly.

Its Executive Summary – without which this report would be virtually incomprehensible – tells the tale. It begins with this email from a ranking officer at Meta (Facebook and Instagram):

Just got off [an] hour long call with [Senior Advisor to President Biden] Andy Slavitt…. [H]e was outraged – not too strong of a word to describe his reaction – that we did not remove this post…. I countered that removing content like that would represent a significant incursion into traditional boundaries of free expression in the US but he replied that the post was directly comparing Covid vaccines to asbestos poisoning in a way which demonstrably inhibits confidence in Covid vaccines amongst those the Biden Administration is trying to reach.

Sir Nick Clegg, Meta’s President of Global Affairs, former Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, describing his efforts to explain the boundaries of the First Amendment to the Biden White House in April 2021.

But of course the White House does not care about freedom of speech. They in fact argued for the continued authority to censor, in Murthy v. Missouri.


And when they did, at least one-third of the Supreme Court agreed with them! But part of their grounds for agreement is that the social media companies were free to refuse the government’s orders.

Jordan’s Weaponization Subcommittee staff chose to dispute that, and lay the blame squarely on the Biden administration. The Executive Summary seems to focus on the COVID-19 “wild origin” narrative and vaccines. As “disastrous” as these things are, the proxy war with Russia is worse. At least neither virus nor vaccine will kill someone through spontaneous nuclear combustion.

The Executive Summary goes on to accuse the White House of pressuring social-media companies to:

  • Change their content moderation policies to suit the government,

  • Remove true, satirical, and other perfectly legitimate content, and

  • Chill any further discussion on the “sensitive subjects” of White House interest.

What threats could they make?

Furthermore, they had credible policy threats to make, and thus a means of coercion. Nor did they limit themselves to social media. They pressured Amazon, the leading (indeed, the cartel leading) bookseller, to de-list books. Any book the Biden administration (or before them, the Deep State) considered sensitive, would lose promotion or even its listing. The report cites “internal email” apparently from Amazon staff, complaining of “pressure” from “the Biden people.” This applied, according to the report, mainly to books challenging the coronavirus and vaccine narratives.

As was the case with Facebook’s Nick Clegg, Andy Slavitt got the blame for applying the “pressure.” If half the allegations about Slavitt are accurate, he imperiously did not care what Amazon’s customers wanted. And he wanted Amazon to stop caring as well.

But the report says absolutely nothing about any communication with Amazon’s Department (or Office) of General Counsel. And opf course the public is hearing about this only now, after Republicans took over the House.

The other half: collaboration

Indeed – as we have said many times – never once did either the full Committee or the Weaponization Subcommittee consider the guilt that might attach to these companies for willingly accepting unlawful orders. When does a willing slave become, not a slave, but a trusty? And a cynically motivated trusty at that? Could not Meta, Alphabet (Google and YouTube), and Amazon have a baser motive: to have the government cancel their opposition?

Amazon Web Services famously de-hosted the old Parler service after Donald Trump opened an account with them. They did so because they didn’t like Parler’s policies. Parler came back, all right – as a shell of its former self. It has never recovered.

But Elon Musk bought Twitter. Then, for months he fought one battle after another – with Amazon, Apple, Alphabet, and the European Union. His is a constant struggle to find advertisers who either don’t mind the controversies now playing out on Twitter (which he renamed X), or welcome the controversies. Sadly, a parallel economy takes time to build.

Meta has chosen to collaborate – and Alphabet and Amazon give every indication that they think they are the Deep State. Perhaps the real Deep State and their World Economic Forum masters find it convenient to let Alphabet and Amazon pretend. But pretenders or partners, they are definitely collaborators.

Bypassing the Censorship Industrial Complex

Andrew Torba knows all about the perils of relying on third parties. The Censorship Industrial Complex systematically chased him off one host after another, besides disallowing any true “app” he built. So he has built a completely independent infrastructure. Instead of building an app, he has made his site mobile-friendly, and provided browser shortcuts that require no maintenance. When conventional payment processors refused to handle his payments, he built his own processor! Today the Gab name stands, above all, for independence.

His only problem lies in identifying, as his enemies, a group of people who are not a collective enemy. Which is to say: the Jews. But at least he’s good enough to host Laura Loomer (who is Jewish), so he has some honor.

Dr. Steven Turley has come late to the realization that he must not rely on the Collaboration Axis. Alphabet (as YouTube) abruptly demonetized his channel – totally. Their first excuse was that his short videos – shorts they encouraged him to make! – showed copyrighted news footage with little original commentary. Take them down, they told him, and we’ll reconsider. So he took them down. Then they said, “Thanks; we’ll get back to you in a month.” Two weeks ago they gave him their answer: “No. Your channel is full of controversial content that harms our viewers.” Which is why he has expanded his separate Turley Talks social-media platform into a full-blown video server that directly supports livestreaming and chat.

Other alternative platforms include Rumble, BitChute, Odysee, and Brighteon.

What they have in common

These other platforms have this above all in common: they don’t cooperate, collude, or collaborate. They fight. It has cost many of them millions, but they fight. Even Elon Musk does not fight as hard as they. (Though he comes close! Yesterday he reinstated the account of one Nicholas J. Fuentes, an even more rabid antisemite than Torba. Influencers everywhere virtually asked him Whiskey Tango Foxtrot did he think he was doing. He said it was better to have even toxic ideologies out in the open, than hidden in dark alleys.)

More to the point, Jim Jordan’s Committee and Subcommittee leave out a vital part of the Censorship Industrial Complex story. Jordan could and should have called Andrew Torba and Dr. Steve Turley as witnesses. Those two did more than complain; they did something about it.

Decades ago, the late Ayn Rand lamented that Sen. Joseph McCarthy (R-Wisc.) and the House Un-American Activities Committee concentrated on ferreting out a conspiracy – with no attention to combating bad ideas, or improving the government’s own structure. So it is with Jim Jordan’s committees. If “weaponization of the federal government” is the problem, why not concentrate on disarming it? Why should anyone depend on a cartel of any kind, for telecommunications, sales and service, or the like? Matt Taibbi and Mike Shellenberger taught us much about the evils of censorship. But Andrew Torba and Steven Turley can teach us how to fight it. As they do all the time.

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Antisemitism – and misguided legislation

Antisemitism has become a plague on American political discourse ever since the Fourth Arab-Israeli War began. But last night the House of Representatives applied a cure worse than the disease could ever be. They have, quite simply, passed a federal hate-speech law. That law even targets certain foundational writings – of both the other Abrahamic faiths – that speak against Jews as a people. Under that new law, even quoting those Scriptures could become a criminal act. This law might also criminalize Covenantal Theology, to which more than half of all Christians adhere. Expect immediate judicial challenge to this law on at least two, perhaps three First Amendment grounds. Sadly, the most paranoid voices – on the American political right – will seize upon this law as vindicating their position. The result will be a severance of the special relationship between Jew and Christian.

The problem of antisemitism

Antisemitism always requires a conspiracy theory. This is an attempt to explain all political evils as the results of the bad acts of an ethnic gang. Most “conspiracists,” for lack of a better term, use the word mafia to describe their hate targets acting collectively.

To condemn all conspiracy theories as ipso facto untrue is to oversimplify – the very thing antisemites do. So one must test the truth claims of any conspiracy theory against historical and other evidence. Of course, conspiracy thought by its very nature might dispute some evidence as fabrication by the conspirators one suspects. Nevertheless, objective standards of proof do exist, and applying them is part of critical thinking – literally, thinking like a judge.

Different Gentile (literally, “from nations other than the Jews”) groups make different claims against Jews as such. Muslims bear them a grudge dating back to their rejection of Muhammad’s Koran in Medina. (The Fighting Words, as in “fight and slay the infidels!”, date from that encounter.) The only reason to mention Adolf Hitler’s elaborate conspiracy theory is the bitter fruit it bore, including six million murders. Hitler set out to conquer the world, and died ignominiously in Der Bunker beneath the Berlin Chancellery. So no one takes his claims seriously – except in an attempt to seek “external” validation of their own claims.


The spectacle of sympathizers for the Islamic Resistance Movement (Arabic Harakah al-Muqāwamah al-Islāmiyyah, abbreviated HAMAS) taking over classroom and administrative buildings in American colleges and universities, in a manner this country has not seen since the days of the anti-Vietnam demonstrations by the old Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and the Youth International Party (Yippies) is bad enough. And one expects antisemitism to divide the Grand Left Coalition, simply because a client group of that coalition attacked members of that ethnic group that supplies some (but by no means all) of the key leaders of the American political left. And those key leaders know it! Witness this declaration by Sen. Charles M. Schumer (D-N.Y.).

But there’s more. Gentiles look at what Jews have achieved, through hard work and application of their talents. But instead of thinking how to emulate this work ethic and develop their own talents, too many Gentiles prefer to believe that Jews have conspired against them, to block achievements that should have been theirs. This attitude has sullied our literature; witness William Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice.

How ironic, that the left regards the same group that has always provided much of its leadership, as “oppressors.” But the right has its own problem. Many of them look at the Jewish history of voting Democratic and supporting the causes of those “ideological fellow travelers” Schumer mentioned in his speech. Then, to their shame, they say, “It serves them right.”

Covenantal theology

Never mind, by the way, that at least one Jew recently urged her fellow Jews to stop embracing leftist politics.

We now come to the greatest impetus for antisemitism among Christians: covenantal theology. CNAV has discussed this before. Covenantal theology says that the Church inherits all the promises God made originally to the Jews in the Abrahamic and Davidic Covenants. That would include a plot of land “from the river of Egypt [the Wadi al-Arish, not the Nile] to the river Euphrates.” What would the Church need with so little land? The Church is supposed to spread its Good Message worldwide.

Covenantal theologians speak of “the false doctrine about Israel” and its “impact” on American politics. They also accuse Israel, without evidence or definition, of committing “atrocities” against usually unnamed targets.


(Separately, this particular influencer accuses Israel of creating HAMAS, forgetting that HAMAS is the Gazan chapter of the Muslim Brotherhood.)

In the face of the refusal of nearly half of Christendom to accept their ideas, the Covenantalists have come up with a new canard: there is no longer any such thing as an authentic Israelite. All who call themselves Jews, they say, are actually Khazars. These Khazars once ruled what is now Ukraine, then disappeared from history. According to the Khazar Theory, they all mass-converted to Judaism, then migrated north and west as the Ashkenazic Jews. (The Sephardic or literally Spanish Jews returned to the Holy Land after Ferdinand, Isabella and Torquemada expelled them from Spain.)

The new law against antisemitism

Now the House has seen fit to pass a law that antisemites on the American political right will seize upon. They will cite this as vindication of every claim they are now making about “Jewish control.”

Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit summarizes this law (H.R. 6090, the Antisemitism Awareness Act). Rep. Mike Lawler (R-N.Y.) proposed it and saw it through.

This bill passed 320-91. Three prominent Republicans posted their dissent on X: Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), and Thomas Massie (R-Ky.).

This remarkably short bill simply asks the Department of Education to add antisemitism to a list of possible violations of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The problem is that this bill specifically refers to a definition of antisemitism by the International Holocaust Remembrance Association (IHRA). That definition, courtesy of the Wayback Machine, includes without limitation:

1. Calling for, aiding, or justifying the killing or harming of Jews in the name of a radical ideology or an extremist view of religion.
2. Making mendacious, dehumanizing, demonizing, or stereotypical allegations about Jews as such or the power of Jews as collective – such as, especially but not exclusively, the myth about a world Jewish conspiracy or of Jews controlling the media, economy, government or other societal institutions.
3. Accusing Jews as a people of being responsible for real or imagined wrongdoing committed by a single Jewish person or group, or even for acts committed by non-Jews.
4. Denying the fact, scope, mechanisms (e.g. gas chambers) or intentionality of the genocide of the Jewish people at the hands of National Socialist Germany and its supporters and accomplices during World War II (the Holocaust).
5. Accusing the Jews as a people, or Israel as a state, of inventing or exaggerating the Holocaust.
6. Accusing Jewish citizens of being more loyal to Israel, or to the alleged priorities of Jews worldwide, than to the interests of their own nations.
7. Denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor.
8. Applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.
9. Using the symbols and images associated with classic antisemitism (e.g., claims of Jews killing Jesus or blood libel) to characterize Israel or Israelis.
10. Drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis.
11. Holding Jews collectively responsible for actions of the state of Israel.

No one but a radical Muslim would actually sympathize with Example One above. (At least, CNAV hopes not! Besides, it’s an endorsement of murder.) Dwight D. Eisenhower sought to head off Examples Four and Five at the pass. Then-Ambassador Daniel Patrick Moynihan famously dissented from a United Nations vote directly following Example Seven. Example Two is a claim without evidence, and Three constitutes guilt by association. Six begs the question of why any “host nation” would have any “interest” that the State of Israel would threaten. Eight and Eleven violate a fundamental principle of justice, and Ten is simply absurd.

Attacks on Scripture

But Reps. Greene, Gaetz and Massie have every right to take alarm at Example Nine. The blood libel part is not so concerning. Who seriously believes that human blood, Jewish or Gentile, can ever be an ingredient in Passover matzoh? But when the IHRA speaks of “claims of Jews killing Jesus,” they now dispute Scripture, and history.

Indeed, Loaves and Fishes Studios and Out of Order Studios are now producing a planned seven-season streaming show. It’s called The Chosen, and it treats the life of Jesus. That will certainly include a Passion play. Will the Department of Education slap a sanction on those studios under Title VI? Will they demand the impounding and destruction of motion pictures like Ben-Hur (three versions), The Robe, The King of Kings, The Greatest Story Ever Told, The Passion of the Christ, or earlier television efforts like The Bible? All these projects have Passion plays, and some are built around them.

Indeed, Matt Gaetz cited three passages in Scripture that could provoke a Title VI citation. They are Acts 4:!0, 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16, and Acts 3:14-15. CNAV could also cite:

  • Acts 6:11-8:1, recounting the arrest, trial, and execution by stoning of St. Stephen.

  • Acts 9:1-6, in which Paul of Tarsus sees the Light on the Damascus Road.

Other scenes

To say nothing of Acts 21:27 and every verse in Acts that follows, detailing scenes like the:

  • Manhandling and beating of Paul of Tarsus in a Temple riot that brought the Commander of the Garrison of Jerusalem marching in with a cadre of soldiers and centurions to quell it,

  • Jews screaming, “Rid the Earth of him!,” tearing their clothes, and scattering dust into the air,

  • Abortive hearing before the Sanhedrin in which the then-High Priest ordered Paul struck on the mouth,

  • “Self-anathematization” by several Jews who swore to kill Paul before they ate or drank, and

  • Paul’s motion to remove his case to the Imperial court when Marcus Porcius Festus suggested bringing Paul before the Sanhedrin a second time.

And, of course, the four accounts of the Passion Itself, by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. For that matter, even some Jewish Scriptures specifically presage the Passion, as The Evangelists all make clear.

Likely fate of the Antisemitism Awareness Act

H.R. 6090 now goes to the Senate – and if any bill rated calling one’s Senator (of either Party) and urging said Senator to vote against it, this is it. For if this bill passes, the first person to get a Title VI citation will sue in federal court. Of course, someone who endorsed murder will likely not get the court’s sympathy, as such speech is never protected. But a Title VI “ding” based on Christian Scripture, like that cited above, will provoke a lawsuit for:

  • Prohibiting the free exercise of Christianity, which includes remembering that the Passion took place, and

  • Abridging the freedom of speech.

Defenders of the bill will point to its Construction clauses that say that the Education Department must respect the First Amendment in its application. But when this reaches the Supreme Court, even the Originalists will find that a very weak protection. CNAV predicts a vote of 9-0 to strike it from the United States Code, if it gets that far. More likely, even the Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia will find against it. The Supreme Court will then deny review even if someone has the temerity to ask for it.

Or else…

But if this does not happen, all the conspiracy theorists will point to every enforcement action taken under this Act. They will then cry, “There! You see? We told you!” and start singing Juden, Juden uber alles, if not Horst Wessell Lied. That those calling themselves conservatives would make common cause with radical Muslims might seem difficult to imagine – but, sadly, not impossible. That could drive Congress from one extreme to the other – not only repealing H.R. 6090 but recalling the United States Ambassador, moving that worthy’s office back to the Tel Aviv Annex, and even breaking entirely the special relationship between America and Israel.

And that could bring natural and political disasters worse even than Hurricanes Katrina or Ida, or the Great 1993 Floods. Genesis 12:3 is explicit:

I will bless them / who bless thee, / And anyone who curseth thee / I will curse.

The natural disasters mentioned, are all outworkings of the Genesis 12:3 Curse. No doubt some of those antisemitic personalities on the right will drown in such a flood, repeating the Covenantal Theological premise until the water rushing into their lungs stops them from repeating it any further. The real tragedy will be every other life that will be lost, in addition to theirs.

Link to:

The article:



Charles Schumer’s speech:

Two-plus-hour video lecture contrasting covenant theology with the alleged “false doctrine about Israel”:


HR 6090:

Jim Hoft’s summary:

Mike Lawler’s defense of the act:

Three Republican dissents:

IHRA definition of antisemitism:

Declarations of Truth X feed:

Declarations of Truth Locals Community:

Conservative News and Views:

Clixnet Media

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Ukraine as proxy for war with Russia

Last night, of course, CNAV discussed the legacy media expressing fears of Trump’s re-election and revenge against them. In that discussion, CNAV mentioned Ukraine – and specifically this article by “Real Clear Investigator” Aaron Maté. That article is worth discussing in greater detail, for it illustrates that the Deep State, and the Obama Machine, used Ukraine in their joint bid for one-world government. Something called Russia – once the darling of the political left – is now an inveterate existential enemy to them. So is the first person to carry the Republican banner and actually take seriously the ostensible Republican message. Ukraine has been their proxy against both, but especially against Russia. But their real agenda is an agenda against all of humanity – except themselves.

Who is Aaron Maté?

Aaron Maté would at first seem a very odd choice to expose a plot of the left. That’s because, for years, he has belonged to the left, and stood for the “traditional” things for which the left stands. One need only read his biography, which he appends to his every article at the Real Clear Foundation:

Aaron Maté has provided extensive coverage of corruption within federal intelligence agencies as a contributor to RealClearInvestigations. He is also a contributor to The Nation, and his work has appeared in Democracy Now!, Vice, Al Jazeera, Toronto Star, The Intercept, and Le Monde Diplomatique. Maté is the host of the news show Pushback with Aaron Maté.

The Nation? Democracy Now!? Vice? The Intercept? Since when would CNAV ever quote those outlets? Well, we did – when The Intercept reported on (and probably boasted of) the role of the Deep State in turning social-media companies into State actors.

Nevertheless, Aaron Maté took time to interview a former diplomat for Ukraine – who now has sought asylum elsewhere in Europe. (Maté will not name the country, probably at his subject’s request.) Andrii Telizhenko was more than a member of Ukraine’s diplomatic corps; he also worked closely with the Democratic Party. He did this because he genuinely believed that Ukraine ought to be free of something called Russia – which he and others conflated with a Russia that once was – something calling itself Union of Socialist Soviet Republics. Now he sees the bitter fruit of a campaign he helped. Quoting Maté:

Although he once welcomed Washington’s influence in Ukraine, Telizhenko now takes a different view. “I’m a Ukrainian who knew how Ukraine was 30 years ago, and what it became today,” he says. “For me, it’s a total failed state.” In his view, Ukraine has been “used directly by the United States to fight a [proxy] war with Russia” and “as a rag to make money for people like Biden and his family.”

Of course his old allies have turned against him. That includes the Deep State – and the State Department. They, who once relied on him to further their plans, now say he worked with Russia to influence American elections. That’s a lie. Russia didn’t mess into American elections; Ukraine did.

The grooming of a warmonger

Aaron Maté goes back to November of 2013, and the roots of the Maidan Revolution. But actually one must look back further – to the Election of 2008. George W. Bush oversaw the tanking of the American economy. The Republican Party ran that election to lose. It began with the selection of the least-inspiring Presidential candidate they could have chosen: Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.). Then it continued with the collapse of several investment houses, and the ripple effects from Wall Street to Main Street.

The timing couldn’t have been more propitious for a one-worlder whom other one-worlders had groomed from his birth: Barack Obama. Born in Kenya (as that country boasted), carried into America in his mother’s arms (in a week for which archives of arrivals at American airports are missing), installed in Hawaii where one can fix any birth record or birth announcement – the one-worlders surely had their plans for him already laid. Sheriff Joseph Arpaio of Maricopa County, Arizona tried to put paid to speculation about Obama’s birth certificate – until he found a level of evasion more consistent with a criminal conspiracy than with honest record-keeping mistakes.

X influencer Dom Lucre shared extensive findings on that issue eleven months ago.

Barack Obama was the perfect Manchurian Candidate to set in motion a chain of events leading to war with Russia. Joan Swirsky, watching his inauguration, said then:

The sole mission of Barack Obama and his henchmen is to destroy Israel.

Actually, it was to remove all obstacles to the one-worlders. Israel is one; Russia is another.

Why Russia?

Russia today is an obvious target of the American political left. They don’t tolerate the Alphabet Soup movement. More tellingly, when Vladimir Putin feared a U.S. military intervention at the orders of a “President Hillary,” he returned home abruptly from a European junket – and ordered his people to arm themselves. Small arms in civilian possession is anathema to the American left. They want no person, except a law-enforcement (or “violence prevention”) officer, an active-duty military service member, a Very Important Person, or his/her/their bodyguard, to own, carry, or so much as touch, much less discharge, a firearm.

But Russia wasn’t always the enemy of the left. Back when it called itself Soviet Union, Russia was the darling of the left. Russia represented the ultimate in human progress and political development: New Communist Man, or New Man for short. New Man was not supposed to worry about profit or reward. He would serve the State, and the State would take care of anything material he could ever legitimately need.

And to her fluttering scarlet banner, / Selflessly true we always shall stand!

Or as Paul Robeson translated the World War II/Great Patriotic War version:

Long live our Soviet motherland, / Built by the people's mighty hand.
Long live our people, united and free!
Strong in our friendship tried by fire. / Long may our crimson flag inspire,
Shining in glory for all men to see.

Except that Russia doesn’t fly a crimson banner anymore, but the original tricolor, lacking only the Romanov crest. Russia has revived the tune of the Hymn to the USSR – but not the lyrics! How Vladimir Putin, former light colonel in the First Chief Directorate of the KGB, must disappoint the Left! His conversion to, and embrace of, the Russian Orthodox Church is final shame to their dreams.

Timeline to war in Ukraine

In November of 2013 came the first flames that Obama – as President – could strike. Telizhenko names two names from that administration: John Brennan, head of the CIA, and Victoria Nuland from the State Department. Regular readers of these pages will recognize both names.

In that month, then-President Viktor Yanukovych delayed signing a trade agreement with the European Union. Yanukovych, with his severe venal corruption, had little to recommend him. But he was never going to sign a trade agreement that stated, as a condition, that he curtail trade with Russia. The Russia trade was quite lucrative for his base in eastern and southern Ukraine – meaning the Crimea and the Donbas. He much preferred to put Russia and the EU in competition with one another.

Nevertheless a protest took place on Maidan Nezalezhnosti (Independence Square) in Kyiv. It started out peacefully enough – until the ultra-nationalist forces took it over. And here’s another irony everyone missed: the ultra-nationalists accused the Jews of collaborating with the Russians. That made their movement less than palatable to European sensibilities. But Obama, his officials, and the “neoconservatives” whom he never truly acknowledged, insisted on working with such people. To them, Ukraine was a prize – and a potential spear to aim at the heart of Russia. Little things like Nazi-like ideology and blatant antisemitism didn’t matter. (Why it didn’t stop the Israelis from supplying them later is far from clear. Perhaps this is yet another bad decision on their part.)

False-flag pseudo-operations

Affairs in Ukraine went from bad to worse. Then on February 20, 2014, snipers killed several Maidan Square protesters. But those snipers were not government forces. Estonia’s foreign minister charged then that this was a false-flag pseudo-operation. Nationalist forces literally killed some of their own followers to drum up popular sympathy. From that point forward they refused to consider any solution that would keep Yanukovych in office. But Telizhenko reveals worse: Victoria Nuland was hand-picking those who would assume power immediately.

Yanukovych, stripped of all power, fled to Moscow. Not long afterward, Russia started looking after her interests – and those of ethnic Russians in eastern and southern Ukraine. Crimea was first; Russia annexed it after a hasty referendum on independence from Ukraine and reunion with Russia.

Not long thereafter, Donbas separatists seized government buildings in three Donbas cities: Donetsk, Lugansk, and Kharkiv. This time Putin was willing to wait on any referenda in that region. But CIA chief Brennan flew to Kyiv for secret meetings with several officials of the new Ukraine government. At that meeting – according to Telizhenko – Brennan virtually authorized Ukraine to use force against the Donbas.

Which they did. They almost erased the Donbas rebels, but Russia intervened then, and blunted the advance. Obama must have thought better of escalating matters any further. That’s the only reason the Russia and Ukraine war did not begin then and there.

The Minsk Accords – and corrupt businessmen

The Minsk Accords date from this period. Ukraine agreed to afford the Donbas peoples limited autonomy, if Russia would withdraw and the Donbas demilitarized. Obama would have let the matter rest; he had little taste for carrying the conflict further. But Victoria Nuland, among others, was pressing the matter – behind his back. Also, the CIA essentially re-created the Ukraine intelligence establishment. That establishment became an extension of the CIA itself.

More to the point, the United States Embassy in Kyiv was effectively running the government. In December 2015 matters came to a curious head. Then-Vice-President Biden called Ukraine officials and ordered them – on pain of loss of $1 billion in aid – to fire prosecutir Viktor Shokin. That worthy, at the time, was investigating officials of the Ukraine gas company, Burisma. And that company was one of many ventures in which Hunter Biden was involved.

Ukraine, not Russia, intervened in an American election

Telizhenko also says flatly that Ukraine intervened in the Election of 2016 – on Hillary Clinton’s side. They tried to “get dirt” on Donald J. Trump. But of course, Trump has committed no more serious offense than to speak rather crudely of women he’s dated. He has not accepted any bribes – or sexual favors from children.

The Russia Hoax also originated in Ukraine. It served both them and the White House to paint Trump, the outsider, as a Russian asset. That explains the apparent theft of Democratic Party emails and their release to WikiLeaks. That also is a false-flag pseudo-operation.

But of course that was to no avail. Trump won anyway, by carrying Pennsylvania – the last thing anyone expected. Perhaps from that moment on, Democrats were looking to remove Trump through impeachment. They redoubled their efforts when Trump began to get a little too close to the truth for their comfort.

The Articles of Impeachment referred to a telephone call between Trump and new Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. But they did not discuss the Burisma Gas Company, as Impeachment Floor Managers would later allege. Instead, Trump encouraged Zelensky to patch things up with Vladimir Putin of Russia. The problem is, ultra-nationalist elements in the Ukraine high command threatened to “frag” Zelensky if he did any such thing.

Road to open war with Russia

Impeachment resulted in a “hung Senate,” of course. Republicans in the Senate didn’t know half the story behind that phone call. They knew only that no one could prove that it was a dirty as the Democrats said it was. And perhaps they were in no mood to give the Democrats a chance to muck things up with a Vice-Presidential appointment and confirmation fight. Not with Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House, they didn’t.

Of course, Trump lost the Election of 2020 – or had it stolen from him. If Ukraine had a hand in that, it was probably the development of the coronavirus that caused the P(l)andemic which in turn gave the Democrats the perfect excuse to conduct fifty Presidential Elections with heavy use of mail-in absentee ballots mailed to all voters, whether they requested them or not.

Zelensky learned early how to continue in office without benefit of support. Seeing himself about to lose to a pro-Russian candidate, he:

  1. Shut down three opposition television stations,

  2. Seized assets belonging to the opposition candidate’s family, and

  3. Charged his opponent with treason.

And “Resident” Joe Biden cheered him on. From then on, the road to open war was clear. Ukraine and Russia stationed troops across the border from one another. Then in February 2022, Putin, all his efforts at a peaceful resolution having come to nothing, invaded.

Ukraine can’t win – but gets aid anyway

By now everyone recognizes that Ukraine cannot possibly win the war it, and the Obama-Biden machine, provoked. Morale in the Armed Forces of Ukraine couldn’t be lower. They expect Russia to capture the Donbas by October.

Nevertheless the machinations continue. That explains Rep. Mike Johnson (R-La.), Speaker of the House, reneging on a promise to shut off the money spigot. Worse yet, we now hear of definite plans to invite Ukraine into NATO.

The revelations by Andrii Telizhenko and others prove that elements of the Deep State – with Barack Obama as their figurehead:

  1. Changed the duly elected government in Ukraine into one willing to start a suicidal war with Russia, and

  2. Are dragging the United States into a flat-out, blood-and-flames, nuclear war, also with Russia.

There is no excuse for that. And now that the Democrats have set the precedent, Trump should prosecute Victoria Nuland, John Brennan, and several other officials. The Bidens’ venal till tapping is bad enough – but these officials are guilty of treason.

What’s more, the House and Senate needs to impeach Obama and Biden for their roles in starting this war. Wanton violation of rules by which they expect others to abide, surely counts as treason. If that doesn’t suffice, aiding and abetting a biological weapons developer and child-trafficking nexus surely would. And even beyond civil-service reform, Trump has grounds to place all the Obama hangers-on under arrest.

Maybe then, at least one corner of the world can return to a semblance of peace.

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Aaron Maté’s article

Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s examination of Obama’s birth certificate:

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Clixnet Media

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